~Chapter thirteen~

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After a whole night of cuddling, video gaming, chatting and movies, it was another morning. Freminet woke up with you in his arms and you woke up realising that.

You felt good and happy, refreshed and ready for the day. Perhaps you could quit being an acrobat and become a diver to accompany Freminet with his diving tasks.

He strokes and caresses your hair as he realises that you were awake. Then he kisses your forehead gently and then smiles at you, making you blush. "GoodmorningFreminet!" You say in a messy bunch.

You felt more energetic and hyper today. Freminet chuckles and smiles at you. "Let's get ready now." He goes to the bathroom to get ready and then comes out in his typical coat over his diving suit.

Obviously, you were going to dress wrongly again- wait never mind. This time, you wore a jacket over the diving suit Freminet had given you. You blinked at the slight shock that Freminet showed on his face.

"What's wrong..?" You ask him, confused.
"You're wearing the right clothes for once..." Freminet replies a little hesitantly.
"Hey! I wear the right clothes every time!" You argue back playfully with a playful little smirk. "I think the clothes I wear are perfect for whatever I'm going out for."

Freminet chuckles. "Oh really? Anyway, let's get going. The water is gonna be a little cold today, alright? But it should be warm enough for us to dive."

As soon as you nod in reply, Freminet gently took your hands in his and takes you out the door. "Ladies first." You blush and smile at him.
"Thanks." And you both set off.

As you both continue to walk, you see how Freminet seemed to be lost in thought. Perhaps he was wondering or just tired. "Freminet...? Are you alright?" You ask him.
"Oh, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about where we should go diving." He smiles at you.

Fontanians were staring and stealing glances at you and Freminet, whispering, talking, gossiping and spreading rumours such as, "You know, I've heard the Freminet is dating y/n."

And there was more.

"I saw y/n trying to drown herself the other day."

"Apparently Freminet saved y/n from drowing herself."

"Oh my gosh, they're over there right now! I think they're on a date..."

"I've also heard that y/n quit being an acrobat since her company shut down or something."

And so on. But you guy decided to ignore it and go on, walking to a nice place to dive. "There. Is that a good spot?" You ask Freminet.

"Err... maybe not. Here." Freminet responds as he intertwines his fingers with yours. You blush slightly and continue to walk with him.

Soon, you both reach the area he pointed to and you both takes off your outside clothes to reveal your wetsuits. Confused, you leave your clothes on the soft, warm sand.

"Let's go a little deeper into the waters. We may encounter some more problems than we did last time but I think we should be fine this time." Freminet smiles and pulls you into the water.

He decides to give you a little peck on the lips before diving right into the ocean. You stand there, face flushed and also currently blushing. You go in after Freminet, tempted to catch up to him.

But he was incredibly fast so eventually, he realised and then swam back up to you to help you. "You okay?" He somehow manages to mumble through the water.

"Yup, perfectly fine." You smile back at him, managing to speak through the water. He takes you to a cave going deeper in.

The cave was large, a wide area with lots of forks in the way. You could easily get lost in the cave but as long as you stuck to Freminet, you'd be fine. At least that was what you thought...

A strong current swept you and Freminet to the wrong path. Well, Freminet managed to get out of it and just before he managed to grab your hand, the current got stronger and it swept you down one path with Freminet down the other.

Now you were all alone, not knowing what to do in this maze-like cave which was so big that you didn't even know how to get out. You decided to wait and see if Freminet would be able to find you.

You tried sitting on the ground in the cold waters but you just ended up floating around. So instead, you try to float like a starfish. But then you realise there's no way you could do that since there was no opening above you.

And that's when you thought of it... the solution to this puzzle. The solution you've been waiting for your entire life! You decide to test your own luck and go through a few passageways, hoping to find an opening to maybe a cave above.

Twists and turns... going in circles... and finding the way out to an opening. Finally after what seemed like forever, you saw some light coming out of one of the passageways but the other one was pitch black. You didn't know which one was safe, probably because of all the TV shows you've watched.

So you went for the one with light (since you watched so many TV shows). You found yourself an exit except... the exit you went through led to some place in Fontaine that you didn't usually go to so now you were stranded and didn't know what to do.

Looking around, you saw grass everywhere. The sky was filled with a blue shade and patterns of clouds floating around. Beside you, you saw some Clockwork Meka standing around.

You looked around at the tree and the waters around you again, wondering where Freminet was at this moment right now. Perhaps he was trying to find you somewhere. Or he went out of the cave to seek help...

But anyway, you were lost in thought, wondering mostly about Freminet and what would happen. Then you thought of something... maybe Freminet did know you enough to know what you would do and where you would go.

Being reckless, you walk around the area you found for a little while. Soon, you get scared of what might come and what might happen. You wander for a little longer before you try to go back the way you came.

Obviously, you found your way back not because you remembered the path you took but because you're so smart (ya'll are smarter than everyone hehe). But you didn't remember the fact that there were Clockwork Meka around...

When you were sitting on the shore of the water, you heard a weird noise behind you... and when you looked back, you saw five Clockwork Meka looking down at you with their mechanical weapons out and ready to fight.

The thing is, you didn't have a lot of experience in this type of thing known as fighting nor were you good at defending yourself from enemies that weren't human. Seems like you were going to get eliminated sooner than you thought...

You closed your eyes in fear, knowing that this might be your last ever breath of your life. "Forgive me for my sins!" You exclaim. The Clockwork Meka's weapons spun around, ready to strike.

Soon enough, you had your eyes closed as one of them strike you. Then you heard a loud 'clang' sound. But after five seconds of waiting, you open your eyes.

Word count: 1300

A/N: Sorry for not posting for like forever! I'm very busy so like please keep up the patience you have given me. And yes, I planned this out this time. Don't mind the depression chapter from before. Thanks!

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