The Meeting....

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'I should stop for water' I thought as I crouched down and surveyed my surroundings and listened for water. When I figured out where it was coming from I walked quietly in that direction. When I reached my destination a man who looked about my age had a camp set up by the river with a bow resting at his feet.

"Who are you?"I asked, approaching with my crossbow up and loaded.

"Hey!Don't shoot!I'm not going to hurt you."He said standing up with his hands clearly shown to me.

"Who are you?"I repeated.

"My name is Jason and you are?"the man,Jason,asked.

"Before I answer that I need to know one more thing. Are you Militia?

"No. Look." He responded calmly showing me his left wrist. (AN: Was it on the left wrist? I'm not one hundred percent sure..)

"Okay. I'm Charlie."I answered lowering my crossbow and approaching this Jason character.

"Nice to meet you Charlie."He said still standing there calmly sticking his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm just going to get some water"I said as I grabbed his hand.

"Ok ,so where are you headed? I'm going to Chicago" he said as if we've know each other for awhile.

"Cool, I don't want to tell you where I'm going."I said stubbornly as I started filling my silver canteen.

"Why not you got some secret to hide?"He asked getting on my nerves.

"Maybe."I answered as I stood up.

"You seem like a woman of many secrets to me"he said.

"I should be going now"I said as I started walking away.

"Maybe we will see each other again someday!"he called hopefully.

"You never know!" I called back and continued walking away...

A few hours later I was looking for a good place to set up camp and came across an airplane in a airfield.'This seems like a nice place to rest for the night' I thought as I started climbing up into the plane after rearranging the packages.

TIME SKIP  (brought to you by Pancake Platypus)

 (airplane scene slightly violent)

I was slowly awoken by the sound of voices. "Take her weapons." One said. "I'll tie her up." 

At those words I sprang to life and punched the man that talked, because he was the only one I knew the location of. There were more thugs than I was expecting. Two of the four men grabbed my arms and held me back. "Come on sweetheart, relax." One of the men holding me said, trying to get me to stop fighting.

"Let go of me!!" I screamed thrashing wildly in their grip. When a thought can to me. 'Jason please be camping nearby.' "Jason!"

"Cover her mouth." The one I punched said standing up.

"Jason! Help! Someone!" I yelled over and over desperately before they covered my mouth. I was still thrashing but it was having no affect on the men that were holding me.

At that moment the door to the plane burst open.

(AN: Who do you think burst open the door? Answer in the comments please!!! Love you my little Revolutionaries!!)

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