Chapter 9

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Flashback continues...

Nandini was devastated, but she couldn't let anything happen to Raj. She told Cabir everything, Cabir was also shocked listening to all this, but both of them had the idea of Ashok Saxena's power. Nandini requested Cabir not to tell anyone anything and make arrangements for divorce papers. Cabir was shattered to see the condition of his Sissy, but was helpless. He knew that Mr. Saxena's wish will never be fulfilled because even if Manik has to marry Alya for his family's sake, he can never love her, because he can never give Nandini's place to anyone. But he was feeling very helpless as he was unable to do anything. He was drowning in a pool of guilt thinking that Manan's marriage happened because of his suggestion only. Nandini guessed that.

Nandini: Bhai, I know you are blaming yourself for getting us married. But you are nowhere at fault, we were already married as both of us valued the Vermilion as our symbol of marriage. Even if you didn't make us remarry, we would still consider ourselves as a married couple only. So, please don't blame yourself ever for this. This was destiny. I know that Manik can never forget me, he loves me way too much, maybe more than how much I love him. But, Alya is a nice girl, even if Manik marries her for family's sake, she can make her own place in Manik's heart with her love. Maybe we are meant to live in each other's hearts only, not to stay in each other's lives. But if destiny wants us to be together we will meet again Bhai, but for now, I have to act according to Mr. Saxena.

Cabir hugged her and told

Cabir: Okay Nandi, I won't blame myself, but I will also leave Sanjivani and go to UK. I can't be here to see someone else taking your place and also I can't see a broken Manik (in reality he knew that if he stays here Manik will remember Nandini more by seeing him and also he won't be able to hide the reason of Nandini's disappearance from Manik).

Nandini: But bhai...

Cabir: No Nandi, this is my final decision. I  am agreeing with you, you also have to agree with me.

Nandini agreed unwillingly, she was not in a state to think much. The next few days passed in a jiffy where Manik was always with Nyonika taking care of her and Raj. Nandini used to visit him every day for some time saying that he should spend more time with Nyonika now as she needs him more. Nandini had asked for a few days' time from Ashok Saxena. Soon it was the day when Raj was completely out of danger and was doing fine. Manik was at relief but was little tensed because Nandini didn't come or call him from yesterday evening. He was thinking that only when Alya asked

Alya: Manik where is Nandini? I didn't even see her for once after you guys came back.

Manik: Alya, she used to visit me every day for some time, she wanted me to spend more time with Mom. But, I am tense now because she didn't call me or meet me since yesterday evening. I hope she is okay. I need to check on her.

Dhruv: Don't worry, she will be okay. After uncle is discharged we can go to her house to check on her.

Their conversation was interrupted by a ward boy who gave an envelope to Manik saying that Nandini had given him this and told him to give it to Manik when Raj is fine completely. Suddenly Manik's heartbeat raised, he was feeling that Nandini was going away from him, an unknown fear was coming in his heart, with trembling hands he opened the envelope to find a letter. He started reading it.


When you will be reading this letter I will not be there, I will be far away from you. Before you freak out, read the whole letter. You remember once you had asked me if I had any other friend before and I told you about my childhood friend Aryaman with whom I studied till class 12. After that, he went to UK for MBBS and I came here. I used to miss him a lot, but all of you guys and your friendship helped me get over it. I thought I was okay until I got his letters after coming back from Paharpur. There he expressed his feelings about me and told me that he loves me, he loved me from childhood. After reading his feelings, I realised that I too feel the same for him and I have never felt these emotions for anyone, not even you. If that is love, then I love only him. Manik, you are the bestest friend one can ever have, maybe that's why when you proposed to me, I agreed not realising that it's just attraction, not love. You made me feel special, that's why I misjudged my feelings towards you. You are a very nice person Manik, but I don't love you. I am sorry to realize it this late. I know we got married under certain circumstances, but one thing is good that none of our family members knows this. I have signed the divorce papers. I had asked Cabir Bhai to arrange this, he did it with the help of his lawyer friend. I have given the contact details of the lawyer also. You can sign and submit that. You will be free from me. Manik you will certainly find someone who will truly love you, look around maybe you can find that special someone whom you didn't notice before. Thank you for being the bestest friend Manik and I will always be your best friend if you still consider me one after this. Please move on in your life and if possible forgive me for this. Don't try to find me. If destiny wants we will meet someday, maybe that day I will be able to get rid of my guilt and face you. I am writing this letter because I don't have the courage to face you after all this. Hope you understand. Take care of yourself and be happy. Bye...


Dhruv and Alya had also seen the letter and Alya was furious after reading that.

Alya: How could she betray Manik like that? Manik loved her so much and in return, she did this? If she was in love with that Aryaman what was the need to play with Manik's feelings?

Manik was sitting silently with tears flowing from his eyes. Dhruv was getting scared seeing him like this.

Dhruv: Manik, say something, are you okay? Manik...

Suddenly Manik started laughing with tears flowing from his eyes.

Manik: She wrote all these things and she thinks I will believe this crap? You know Dhruv why did she write this letter, because she can't say all these lies looking into my eyes. She knows I will understand that she is lying. She thinks that she will say that everything we had was attraction only, not love and I will agree to that, I will believe that she loves Aryaman. Arre, I know her more than she knows herself, I can understand what she thinks even, I am her soulmate. She has done this for some reason which is big. Okay, she wrote Destiny right, I will also wait for Destiny to make us meet again. I know Nandini will only be Manik's like Manik will always remain Nandin's. I will be waiting for the day when we meet again because Manan is meant to be together forever.

Alya: How can you say this after all this? She herself has written...

Manik left from there without letting Alya complete her words. Alya was about to go behind him, but Dhruv stopped her.

Dhruv: Alya, you are angry at this moment. He has to be handled with care now, it's a matter of Nandini, his lifeline. You stay here, I am going to him.

Saying this Dhruv went to Manik and saw that Manik is tearing the divorce papers into pieces.

Manik: She wants a divorce, how can she think that I will leave her? Nothing can separate us, we may be far physically, but we are connected through our souls, nothing and no one can break that.

Dhruv patted his back and Manik suddenly hugged him.

Dhruv: Calm down Manik, even I have complete faith in Nandini, I have seen your love in front of my eyes, which was so pure. It can never be fake. Manik, Nandini will be back to you because you are meant to be together. Till then I will always be there with you so that I can tell my best friend that I have taken care of her soulmate well.

Hearing this Manik tightened the hug crying more. It was the beginning of a new friendship...

Later on, Manik got to know about Cabir's departure also and he understood how Cabir would have felt seeing the condition of his sister. Manik completely drowned himself in Nandini's memories with Dhruv being his constant support, being his Buddy.

Flashback ends...

So this chapter marks the end of the flashback...

There will be some more flashbacks here and there later, but not continuously...

This was the letter Nandini wrote to make Manik hate her...

But Manik's trust in his Nandini was much more deep, which Nandini also knew...

But she didn't find any other option at that time other than this, she indirectly hinted at Alya's love for him also... She believed Alya was a nice girl, even if Manik marries her for family's sake, she can make her own place in Manik's heart with her love...

Somewhere down the line, Nandini knew very well that she and Manik can't forget each other ever... But maybe they were meant to live in each other's hearts, not in their lives...

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