Chapter 7

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Flashback continues...

Like this 5 years passed. Today was the day of their farewell after finishing MBBS. All of them wanted to do Masters, except Alya the other four had planned to pursue it in Sanjivani only. But Alya's father wanted her to go to US for Masters, though Alya didn't agree at first to leave her friends, but later on agreed when her father insisted her. Party was going on, when Dhruv asked Nandini to come aside as he had to talk to her about something in private. Nandini agreed and went leaving a furious and tensed Manik there. After they said Alya asked jokingly

Alya: Is Dhruv going to propose Nandini? Anyways they are very close friends.

Though it was for fun, but Manik was irritated with this joke.

Manik (with irritation): Shut up Alya, it's nothing like that. They are just friends, don't utter such nonsense.

Alya was startled with Manik's reaction.

Alya: Why are you getting serious Manik? I was just joking.

Manik just nodded, but his face showed that he was disturbed. Cabir understood that and assured him with his eyes.

Cabir: I will go and see when they are coming back, we will have dinner together.

At that time only Alya got a message from her mother saying that her cousin has come to meet her as she is leaving tomorrow. So Alya left saying bye to Cabir and Manik and said that she will meet others at the airport tomorrow.

Saying this he left.

On the other side:

Nandini: What happened Dhruv?

Dhruv: Nandini, sorry that I called you in between the party, but you know na I am not comfortable sharing my feelings with everyone.

Nandini: It's okay, Dhruv, tell me what happened.

Dhruv: I love someone Nandini.

Nandini: Oh really, that's great. Who's the lucky girl? 

Dhruv: You know her very well, it's Alya.

Nandini: Alya, wow Dhruv, I am so happy for you. Did you tell her?

Dhruv: No, not yet, I was thinking to tell her after the party.

That time only Cabir entered.

Cabir: Sorry, but I heard your conversation. I came to call you both for dinner and I heard everything. Dhruv, you can't tell Alya tonight as she has already left to meet her cousin. She told that she will meet us tomorrow at the airport only. You can tell her that time.

Dhruv became upset hearing that.

Dhruv: No Cabir, that I can't do, it will be already difficult for her to leave her family and friends for such a long time and I don't want to talk to her about this that time. I will wait for her return. If we are meant to be together we will be. But, you both promise me that you won't tell this to anyone, not even Manik as of now.

They agreed and came for dinner. Manik asked Cabir through his eyes, which Cabir replied stating nothing to worry for him. Manik was at relief.

Next day Alya left for US, and within that week others enrolled themselves for Master degree.

One day Manik asked Nandini to come with him somewhere as he has something important to discuss. Nandini agreed and Manik took her to "The Music Of The Soul". Entering the academy Nandini was shocked to see it all decorated with red and white roses, just the way she likes. She was about to ask Manik when she found him sitting in front of her on his knees.

Manik: Nandini, before you say something just hear me out. You know that from childhood I have grown up almost alone and circumstances compelled me to build a wall around myself, which nobody could break, until you came. You suddenly changed everything, with your magic, your purity, your courage, your positivity you broke all those walls which I had built around myself. I learnt to live with a different perspective which I always dreamt of. You are the one who understood my silence, when everyone believed my words. With you by my side, I am confident to cross the hardest barrier. I feel completed when you are with me, you fill my soul, my heart with happiness, because you reside there. I realised this long back, but today I want to tell you that Nandini Murthy, I love you, I love you very very much with all my heart, will you accept this imperfect person and make me perfect with your magic, will you be mine?

Nandini had tears of happiness in her eyes. Yes, she also realised that she loves Manik immensely. She also sat on her knees and hugged him tightly.

Nandini: You are asking me to be yours when my heart and soul already belong to you. I love you too Manik, forever. You are my soul mate, you complete my existence.

Manik: You know why I got you here today. It's because this is our first creation together, when from Manik and Nandini we became Manan, when we realised no one can understand us better than we do for each other.

Nandini: Yes Manik, this was my dream, which you made as ours and made it a reality. No other place could be as better as this to start our new journey of togetherness, forever...

Both hugged each other again.

Cabir and Dhruv were very happy for them. Even Cabir and Nandini used to tease Manik for being jealous of Dhruv. Dr. Shashank and Dr. Smriti were very happy to see Manan together, they always thought that both of them were made for each other. Cabir told them about Manan being together because 2 years ago once they told Cabir about their thought of how perfect Manan can be as a couple.

Everything was going well. Their Master degree was done after 2 years. Then one day Dr. Shashank called them in his cabin.

Dr. Shashank: I called you all today to say that a hospital in a village has requested Sanjivani to send some of their doctors there for a year because they don't have many doctors there. I want Manik, Nandini, Dhruv and Cabir to go there. Even Mukti and Abhimanyu who completed their MBBS this year also want to join. They will be joining for Masters next year after coming back. So you six will be going there to Paharpur, it's quite far from here with not much development. It's neat to a forest area, with hills nearby. Are you all willing to go?

They all agreed to go. It will be good if they can help those poor villagers who don't have many facilities. They will fulfil their oaths which they took while taking up this profession...

So Manan are together now...

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The next chapter will be on Manan's marriage and why did Nandini suddenly leave Manik...

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