49. Eyes On You

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Kim Taehyung


I stopped as soon as I heard my name. I didn't have to turn back to tell who it was, Jeon Jayhun with his care taker. My heart start to pound and I gulped heavily, turning around.

"You are awake at this hour. It is pretty late." he said.

"Well, I was feeling suffocated in my room so, I thought to take a walk. Sorry, I disturbed you." I looked away.

"Why it seem like a lie?" he said.


"When we don't meet someone eye while speaking that mean it's a lie. You better tell me the truth" he said stepping closer to me.

I gulped, "Umm.. What.. No.. I.." before I could step back he held onto my shoulder.

"I know you are missing Jungkook. You don't have to lie." he chuckled.

"Oh umm yeah... I am missing him." I said smiling a bit.

"You should've gone with him." he said.

"I wasn't feeling well, he had important things to do, I would only be a distraction."

"Hm.... Well you did what seem fit to you. Don't fret much, he will be back before you know it. Looking at you I know that's how Jungkook's mother would've missed me when I used to be gone all the time. I always kept her waiting." he sighed.

"Well, I guess when you love someone you miss their presence around you even if it is for a while."

He looked at me, "I regret it, making her wait like that."

"Sometimes regret aren't enough, you have to repent for your wrong doings." I said.


"I mean you should visit her on her grave, it will bring you peace." I smiled.

"Well..... I'll do that. It's late you should head to your room." he said.

"Goodnight Dad." I blurted out, bowed a little and left.

I turned around the corner but stopped there when I heard, "Keep an eye on him closely and check the footage." he said probably instructing to his care take.

I smirked, running hand through my hair on my way to my room. I hope I find something in that files, I want to get out this place as soon as possible.


Park Jimin

It was the fourth day since I was here in Yoongi's apartment. He left me that night after million questions in my heart. Why did he kiss me? Why there was his signature on that paper? Many more.

As usual he ran away from me and from them. Since yesterday, I am feeling sick with high temperature and body ache. I called him twice last night expecting that he might pick. Maybe I thought too much and that moment we shared after months meant nothing to him, maybe he took advantage of me in my weak moment.

A lone tear escaped my eye as I blankly stared into the wall. When this suffering of mine will end? When I would be free from this torment? I turned my head to side, a shiny silver knife decorating the fruit basket caught my attention.

I picked the knife and observed it closely. How much it will hurt to end my life? Would be the pain more than the life I am living? Will I be at peace? A thousand thoughts crossed my mind in matter of milliseconds as I neared the knife to my wrist. Just a slash and it's done.

You are brave enough to do it Jimin. I closed my eyes and gathered all the strength I had to slid it across my skin but an image came to my mind. Taehyung.

I owe him an apology. I opened my eyes suddenly thinking about it before I could gather my thoughts the door of the room flung wide open and I hid the knife under pillow.

It was Yoongi, "Are you deaf now? I've been calling you..... What happened to you?" he asked approaching my bed.

"Nothing I have a bit of temperature." I lied, I don't want to bother him much, he is a busy man.

"Hmm.... Alright... Here take these." he handed me two files.

He dragged chair and sat beside the bed, loosening his coat.

"What is this?" I asked. Yeah I read it but I want to hear from him.

"Your freedom, I'll let you live that day now it is fair enough you listen to me. These are the papers of your freedom, you are not going back to Lust Lilies ever."

"So, you want to own me huh?" I scoffed. That is what I never wanted to live as his hidden object.

"No, I don't because you had a problem living like that. You are a free man now. You can live a life you want. In the second file, there are transfer papers, I have transferred the San Francisco clothing store in your name. Until, this Namjoon business doesn't settle down you have to leave the country. There he won't be able to track you down or blackmail you."

"I am fine in this apartment until that, I don't need your charity. I have money to start my own business. I'll do it after you settle your business with Jeons." I made myself clear.

"I am not doing charity Jimin for fucks sake, I knew you would say it. That file also have installment plan. You will pay me back the money I paid to Ashley and the money for the store. Is it okay with your ego now?"

Leaving Korea means not seeing him for a long time and I am not ready for it."Please Yoongi don't make me leave, I will stay here please."

"No, you can't stay here."

"I love you Yoongi, I can't live without seeing you." Tears started to leave my eyes, call me pathetic yes I am.

"It was nothing Jimin, when you will open your eyes? I have no feelings for you."

"I know you are lying, please Yoongi please don't do this with me. I can't think of any other man please. I'll die without you." I said huffing as if I was on my last breath, holding onto his hand.

He jerked it away from my hold as if it burnt him, "Then do it. Do you seriously think I would fall for that? Come on Jimin, be practical I am giving you a wonderful chance at life what else do a person like you needs." he laughed loudly mocking me. "You have to leave or I'll make you." he declared.

The hiccup got caught in my throat, how heartless can a man be?

"Can I see Taehyung before I go? I owe him an apology." I asked.

"Do it today. You'll be leaving after midnight." He announced barging out of the room and I let my body fall on to the head board. How naive of me to think that he might keep me close to him after seeing me with Namjoon. Although it wasn't intended, but a little selfish part of me wished maybe I could get him by making him jealous.

It was truth, what he says, it was truth that Yoongi never loved me. It was just words said in the moments of high, at the end of the day I was just a man to release his frustration who can't be loved or deserve his name.


Love from my side 💜

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