chapter 6

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The two teenagers sat on a tree, gazing into the afternoon sun. The sun was starting to go down, creating a golden glow that covered everything. Zanders purple eyes sparkled in the light and his hair flowed through the wind. Lukes light yellow eyes matched Zanders sparkle and his ginger hair blew slowly with the wind.

It took alot of convincing to get luke up there, as he had the worst fear of heights. Zander however, somehow helped him up and calmed his nerves.

"Hailey made some friends" Zander blurted out, breaking the peaceful silence.

Luke rose an eyebrow, "she did?" He didnt wanna sound mean but its just Hailey had trouble making friends in the past due to the incident.

"Yeah, they wanna make like a music club and they want us to join" Zander said, turning his head to his childhood bestfriend.

"Well, that sounds fun we should do it!" Luke beamed.

"I dont know.. what if they all hurt Hailey?" Zander looked down.

Luke frowned, "im sure they wont, and also dont you want Hailey to find some friends and possible get her confidence back?" His frown turned to his signature bright smile.

Zanders cheeks grew warm, there was something about his smile that made his heart flutter.

"U-um yeah true" he said.

"Lets do it, pleeeeaaassee Zander" Luke said with puppy dog eyes. This only made Zander more flustered and nervous.

"Fine!" he said, turning away, "just stop looking at me with those eyes!"

Luke chuckled, "what eyes?"


Hailey just wanted to have a smooth, easy day. She walked through the crowed hallways until she finally made it too her locker. She opened it and grabbed her math book for the next lesson. She slowly closed the locker door and turned around, startled at who was standing behind her.

It was Josh, Blake and Kaleb.

Hailey sighed and tried to break through them, but got stopped by Josh towering over her.

"Where do you think your going, music freak?" He said with a light chuckle.

"J-just leave me alone!" She shrieked.

"Oh ho ho, i see little freaky here gained some confidence" Blake said, earning a laugh from Kaleb and Josh. Josh shoved her against her locker and she collasped on the floor. All 3 of them towered over her and looked down.

"Get off of her!" An angry voice echoed throughout the hallway, causing a few people to turn their backs and focus on the situation.

"Oh has freaky got a boyfriend now?" Kaleb chuckled.

"I said, get off of her!" Jake stomped over and shoved all 3 of them away. The group was shocked that Hailey had someone defending her.

"Get lost!" Jake yelled, actually making them leave. Everyones attention was turned away now and Jake knelt to Haileys side. She had her head in her knees and was sobbing.

"Hailey, are you okay, talk to me!" He said.

She didn't think twice before basically leaping into his arms, just wanting some comfort. Jake was startled at first and his cheeks grew slightly warm but he wrapped his arms around her and let her cry into his shoulder. She realised what she was doing and lifted her head up, her cheeks going rosy.

"um, s-sorry" she gathered her books and stood up, she was a bit wobbly though and fell right back into Jakes arms.

"sorry, sorry!" she said, embarrassed then speed walked to her maths class.

Once she finally made it she plopped down at her usual seat near the back and sighed. Soon the door opened to reveal the familiar blonde teen, Jake. Hailey quietly groaned and put her head on the desk. She did not want to see him after what just happened. Jake sat on a desk a bit infront of Hailey and turned his attention to the teacher.

"Okay, everyone!" She announced, scanning the room.

"So today i am going to be giving you all set seats, because i have taken notice of some students who have not been working well in their spots" she continued, earning a couple of groans throughout the class.

"Okay so if i say your name get up and sit next to your seeting partner!" she said with a smile on her face.

"Josh and Adam"

"Kaleb and.. Sofia"

"Layla and Danica"

"Max and Julia"

"Hailey and... Jake"

Hailey looked in Jakes direction and sighed, of course she got put with him. Jake gathered his stuff and plopped down next to Hailey.

"Hey princess" Hailey jolted at the nickname. He had never called her that before.

"Um.. hi" she said, trying her best to avoid eye contact with the boy. There was a bit of shuffling in the classroom before everybody got situated in their seats.

The teacher had put all the instructions on the board of their next assignment and everyone got to work. Well everyone besides Jake, he couldnt be bothered. He rested his head on his hand and looked at Hailey.

She was writing parts of the assigment down on her book. Jake thought she looked.. pretty. Something about the way she was so focused. She was biting her lip slightly and tensing her eyebrows. There was a perfect stream of light entering through the window, making her eyes sparkle. Her hair was neatly tied up and had a few peices out, perfectly framing her face. She blinked a few times before turning her attention to the blonde haired boy who had been staring for a good thirty seconds. Jakes face went red as he realised she caught him and he put his head in his arms and rested on the table. Hailey laughed quietly and continued her work. Jake turned his head and looked at Hailey again.

"Why do you get bullied?" Jake asked, catching the attention from the teal haired girl. Haileys heart sank at the question, she never talks about this, nobody who knew dared too.

"um.." she mumbled and put her pencil down.

"I-its fine, nevermind forget I asked" Jake said with a smile, he didnt want to make her uncomfortable he just wanted to know more about this girl.

"So anyways, what did your brother say about the music club?" Jake asked, brightening the mood.

"I think he asked Luke about it today so ill talk to him later" Hailey said, releived that the topic had been changed.

sorry that this chapter took a few days and isnt very well written 😭 hopefully u enjoyed anyway!

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