chapter 8

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Its finally the end of the day after a long last lesson. Hailey makes her way to the music room where the club had planned to meet and clean up the room.

"Hailey!!" A voice yelled from behind. She turned around to see the familiar peached haired boy, running up to Hailey. She smiled slightly at him, she didnt know what was different about Jake to the other club members but.. she felt something. Like when he talked to her, her heart felt light and she felt nauseous but like, in a good way. Nauseous in the way where you want to run around with your hands in the air and just scream. She didn't exactly get it but, it felt nice.

"Hey Jake!" Hailey said with her signature bright smile, the smile that made Jakes heart skip a beat. Jake slowed down and walked beside Hailey.

"So, miss president do you think we will ever be able to preform?" Jake asked.

"I hope so! I'm going to try and get us a few places that we can preform at, probably nothing big though" She replied, looking up at the boy.

"Sounds fun!" He smiled.

Hailey and Jake turned their attention to the three boys walking past. The three boys that they didn't want to see. Josh, Blake and Kaleb.

"Freaks" Josh laughed, giving them glares. Jakes fists tightened and his eye brows tensed as he watched them walk away.

"This is why you shouldnt have been friends with me.." Hailey muttered, looking at the floor.

Jakes eyes widened, "What, no! I love being friends with you! Who cares about them anyway they are just jealous."

Hailey smiled weakly at him but looked back at the ground. She still felt, guilty. She was going to ruin everyone in the club's reputation and she just knew it. She was going to get everybody bullied and everyone was going to talk down on them. She didnt know why she suddenly got friends, could it all be a lie? Could they just be using her? But, they seemed so genuine. Well, so did her old best friend.

Hailey had been zoned out for a while and didnt notice they had made it to the club room.

"Heyy Hailey!!" Milly beamed, snapping Hailey out of her thoughts.

"Heyy" She replied with a smile, her mood instantly boosted after seeing her friends.

"Alright should we get started we've got a lot to get through?" Sean asked, earning a nod from the others.

"Alright! Sean and Luke can i get you two to remove all of the furniture?" Hailey asked the two boys, they both agreed.

"Milly, can you work on a poster design for the door?" She said, not really trusting Milly to Handle the furniture.

"Zander, can you pick up some of the rubbish in the room?" She asked Zander, earning a groan from her brother.

"Jake, you can come with me to the janitors closet to get some dusters and spray and stuff!" She told Jake, earning a nod and a smile.

Jake was excited to spend a bit of time with Hailey. She still hadn't opened up to him yet though, which he was a bit disappointed about but he understood. He hoped he could get a bit closer to her once they started rehearsals. They walked down the empty hallway together, talking and laughing about random stuff. They got along really well and had lots in common.

"And then my brother locked me outside!" Jake said, with and overdramatic tone. Hailey giggled, she never realised how much she enjoyed Jakes humour.

They made it too the janitors closet, which had been left open by Haileys request. The teachers trusted Hailey, she was a good kid she never got into trouble or anything. The worst she had ever done was talk to her friend in class and get a 10 minute lunch detention, and she was still guilty for that. She creaked the door open and scanned the shelfs looking for what she needed.

Jake spotted the dusteres, "Oh, there they are!" He reached for then but didn't realise Hailey was as well. Their hands both grabbed it at the same time, causing them to touch. Jakes face flushed pink as his hand glided along Haileys. Her hand was soft, and smooth, and quite small honestly. Haileys face matched his and they looked at eachother for a split second.

"Sorry!" Jake said, releasing his grip and trembling back, causing sponges to fall down on his head. Hailey giggled at his clumsy antics, causing Jake to smile a bit.

"Your such a dork!" She said, holding out her hand to help him up. He took it and his cheeks tinted pink from embarrassment.

Once they cleaned the closet and got what they needed they headed back to the club room.

Two chapters in a day?? Woahh

Anyways this had quite a bit of Jailey in it 👏👏

Hopefully you enjoyed!!

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