chapter 9

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It took the group a few hours but the room was finally finished. It was clean and everyones instruments were inside.

"Allright!!! I am so excited!" Milly squealed.

"Same! This is going to be so fun" Luke beamed, looking at the shorter purple haired boy beside him.

"Yeah, i guess im excited" Zander said, looking up at luke.

"Hey Hailey, do you want to sing for us?" Sean asked the girl. Sean didnt know about what happened with her ex best friend, since he was never caught up in drama and kinda just focused on his friends and himself.

Hailey nervously looked at Zander and Luke, they were the only ones that knew. Milly didnt know since she was a year younger and wasnt in the school at the time.

"U-um, well I-I dont know" she stuttered, trying to think of a reason. The first thing that cane to mind was that she had some sort of condition, but then she'd have to explain the condition and well that wouldnt end well.

"Oh my god yes! Hailey pleaaase im sure your an amazing singer" Milly pleaded.

"Im really not, I havent sung in ages and im really rusty" Hailey replied, scratching the back of her neck and subconsciously backing away to the door.

"I-Im going to the bathroom, Ill be right back!" She smiled weakly then quickly opened the door and rushed down to the bathroom.

Jake frowned, he knew something was up. There was a reason she didnt want to sing and Jake knew it. He was going to figure it out one way or another. They have english together next, so he decided he would ask her then.

"Oh, did i say something wrong?" Milly asked with guilt in her voice.

"No, its not you Milly, trust" Luke reasurred.

Milly nodded and sat down to tune her guitar.


Jake was worried, Hailey hadnt come back from the bathroom. He hoped she would come back by english so he arrived to class a bit earlier. He sat down at his usual spot at the back of the class and waited for the teal haired girl.

Minutes had passed, still no sign of her.

And soon, the lesson was over and it was time to go home.

Jake decided he was going to go to her house. But there was one issue, he didnt know where she lived.

Jake considered asking Zander but he was a bit scared of him so maybe Luke would know. He took out his phone and opened Lukes contact.

Jake: Hey Luke, I dont mean to sound weird or anything. But do you know where Hailey lives? I really need to check on her.

Luke is typing....
Luke stopped typing
Luke is typing....

Luke: I shouldnt give this to you because Zander would kill me but, i trust you and im sure Hailey will tell you whats bothering her so

Luke: 67 _____ street

Jake: thanks luke

Luke: 👍

Jake smiled and put his phone back in his pocket.

Jake stood nervously at the front of Haileys house. He slowly walked up to the door and held out his shaky hand. He knocked three times, praying that anybody but Zander would answer the door. The door creaked open the reveal a short, purple haired girl.

"Who are you?" The little girl looked up at Jake with big baby doll eyes.

Jake smiled sweetly, "Hey, I'm Jake, a friend of Haileys, whats your name?"

"Im bethany! And im 4 years old!" She said, giggling while holding up 4 fingers.

"Wow, thats very old! Now can i come in and talk to Hailey?" Jake smiled.

Bethany narrowed her eyes at the boy, "your not going to kiss her, are you? Thats gross!" she said, sticking her tongue out.

Jakes cheeks went rosy, "What? No! Of course not we just have- uhh a project we need to work on"

Suddenly a taller purple haired women appeared behind Bethany.

"Bethy, what have i told you about opening the door?" She said, face palming.

Bethany frowned and ran back inside.

"Hello, I'm shannon are you one of Hailey or Zanders friends?" She said with a welcoming smile.

"Yeah, I just came to work on a project with Hailey!" Jake returned the smile.

"Alright, come in!" She let Jake in and lead him to her room.

Jake knocked a few times, "princess, are you there?"

There was a bit of shuffling before the door opened to reveal a tired looking teal haired teenager.

"Jake?" She said, raising an eye brow.

"Hey, um can i come in?" He replied.

Hailey hesitated before letting him in. She sat down on her bed and patted a spot next to her, signalling that he should sit. He took the offer and plopped down next to her. There was a couple seconds of awkward silence before Jake finally spoke up.

"W-why do you get bullied?" He sputtered.

Hailey tried to speak but nothing came out.

"Why do you want to know?" She replied, barely a wisper.

"I dont know, I just do"

Hailey looked down and started picking at the skin on her fingers. Something about Jake just made Hailey want to tell him everything on her mind and just break down in front of him. But she had a feeling that she shouldnt, but then again what could go wrong.

Jake sighed, "Its oka-" he started but got cut off.

"Ill tell you."

Hailey took a deep breath in and continued looking at her fingers.

"O-okay so, I had a best friend, her name was Lia. We were inseperable and i trusted her with everything. One night, we had a sleepover and i decided to tell her about my passion for music." she started, not daring to look up at Jake.

"Lia requested that i sang a song for her, so i did but i didnt know that she was recording me a-and she sent it around the whole school and started rumours about me" Haileys voice got weaker.

"She left me for this more popular girl, Zoey and constantly picked on me everyday, along with Josh, Blake, and Kaleb" She finally looked up at Jake.

"I just want to forget about it all but they remind me everyday, calling me a music freak and other stuff"

Jake looked at her with pity in his eyes, he felt like he had to do something, but he didnt know what. So he brought Hailey into a warm embrace. Haileys cheeks tinted pink and she blinked a few times before accepting the hug and melting into it. Jakes scent was, comforting, his hoodie was warm and soft and his hair slightly brushed against the girls forehead.

i dont really like this and i feel like i should re write it but i cant be bothered 😭😭

I honestly have no idea where this story is gonna go and i dont have much motivation but ill try and figure out a good plot 💪

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