chapter 2

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Hailey walked down the cafeteria with her tray in her hand, looking around for her step brother. Finally she spots his familiar purple hair, poking out. He's sitting next to his childhood best friend, Luke.

Zander has dark purple hair, with small thin streaks of light purple. He usually dresses very formal, especially for a middle schooler. He wore a light lilac undershirt with a darker purple vest over top. He has periwinkle eyes that match the rest of his characteristics.

Luke on the other hand, had auburn hair and light yellow eyes. He wore a white shirt underneath his red jacket.

Luke was very soft spoken and sweet, honestly the opposite of Zander. Zander could be quite stubborn and a bit rude at times but that didnt stop Luke from staying by his side no matter what. Hailey admired their friendship, she hoped one day she could have that with somebody.

Hailey made her way over to the table where Zander and Luke sat and joined them.

"Hey guys!" She cheerfully said.

"Hey hailey" Luke greeted her with a warm smile.

"hi." Zander bluntly said, not looking up from his book.

Hailey rolled her eyes at his brothers moody attitude and looked down at her food. She had a cheese sand-which and a bag of chips. She opened her chips and took a chip out and placed it in her mouth. She looked out the window and thought about that interaction with that boy before, whats his name again? Oh right, Jake.

Why did he help her? And why was he so eager to know her name, she wasn't special or anything. She was just a boring old music freak with only 2 friends, one being her brother. Well he wouldn't be bothering her anymore because she warned about her reputation.

Hailey hadn't realised how long she had been zoning out for.

"Hailey? Are you okay youve been staring at that chip really intensely for the pat 3 minutes.." Zander rose an eyebrow. Hailey blinked a few times and realised she had been holding a chip this whole time.

"Oh! Uh right... yeah im fine im just um examining this chip!" She tried to cover up, not very well.

Zander shrugged and looked back down at his book.


Jake scanned the cafeteria, he wasn't quite sure where to sit as he hadn't made a single friend. He saw a table of girls, giggling and looking at their phone, better avoid that one. He saw a table with all the sporty boys, Jake could do some sport but those types of boys scared him. He spotted a table in the corner with nobody on it and decided to sit there.

Jakes first day had not been going very good, he got lost about 5 times, hadn't made made one friend, and the only person he actually talked to didnt even want to talk to him! He was still very intrigued by her though, there was something about her.

Suddenly two people sat in-front of Jake, on his table.

One was a girl with short, pink fiery hair. Her eyes matched her hair, they were a slightly darker pink though. She had a dark blue cap on and wore a purple jacket over a light pink shirt. She had denim shorts on and knee high socks.

Next to her, was a taller boy who had black hair and darker skin. He had a light blue hoodie on and some black sweat pants. His eyes were a dark brown, almost black colour.

"Hey! Are you knew?" The girl beamed with a grin on her face.

Jake nodded slowly, not knowing if this girl wanted to beat him up or be his best friend.

"Cool! I'm Milly, and this is Sean we are friends with you now!" she said, pointing to the boy next to him who gave Jake a welcoming smile.

"Alright! I'm Jake" He said.

"Well, nice to meet you Jake" Sean said.

Sean Milly and Jake got along very well, they laughed, told stories, and had a good time the whole lunch.

Jake thought these people might have an idea who the girl is.

"Hey guys.. do you perhaps know a girl with teal hair and black eyes?" Jake asked hesitantly.

Milly raised her eyebrow, "we are gonna need more description then that, Jake."

Jake chuckled, "right, sorry. Well she seems to be into music and this morning i talked to her but she didn't give me her name."

Milly clapped her hands together, realising who he was talking about, "Ohh! Your talking about Hailey Austin!"

'Hailey Austin, huh? Thats a pretty name' Jake thought.

"Yeah shes really quiet and never really talks to anyone.. I feel bad for her she gets bullied because she likes to sing which is dumb, speaking of which i play the guitar! And Sean makes music!" Milly gets side tracked from what they are actually talking about.

"Oh yeah! Do you play anything Jake?" Sean asked.

Jake looked down at his plate, he never really talked to anyone about this before.

"um yeah.. i sing.. sometimes.." he mumbled.

"Thats awesome! Hey, maybe we could become friends with Hailey!" Milly said, Jake swore he saw a light bulb appear above her head.

Suddenly Jake had an idea, a goal even.

He was going to become friends with Hailey.

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