Chapter 2

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"Red? I would like to take Raven on a walk." Moth said. Red blinked, "Well I told him that he had to stay in his nest-"

"I need some help collecting moss." Moth said, "Younger cats have quite a bit of energy, it should be used for something useful."

"Well all right." Red sighed, "But don't blame me if Heather tracks you down to get Raven back."

Moth smiled, then turned to me, "Follow me."

I scrambled after Moth, he led me out of the camp and down many paths. He led me into a small clearing, a few cats were chatting under an oak. A fluffy white she-cat noticed us and ran over, "Is Smokey okay?"

"He'll be spending the night at the forest camp, I'm sure he'll be back tomorrow." Moth said. The she-cat looked relieved, "And who's this?"

"Red's son. Be nice to him." Moth said, there was a hint of playfulness in his voice. The she-cat purred, "Is he here to help out?"

"He is." Moth said, "In fact, Raven, can you help Cloud make sure everyone's nest is dry?"

"Sure." I mumbled. Cloud smiled, "This way, lemme show you!"

I scrambled after the fluffy white she-cat, I noticed nests scattered around the edge of the clearing. "Feel the moss in the nests, if it's damp remove it."

I nodded, I made my way over to one of the many nests. I tested it with my paws, it was soaked, dripping with water. I struggled to gather the moss, when I finally did I dumped it by the entrance of the camp. I moved to the next nest. "Hey!"

I froze, a tan colored tom stood above me. "What are you doing?! That's my nest."

"But- I-" I stammered. Cloud walked over, "Easy there Thorn, he's going to get you dry moss."

The tan tom lash his tail and stormed away. Cloud flicked her tail, "Don't worry Raven, Thorn is always grumpy. You're doing a great job!"

"Huh?" I smiled, "Thanks! I'll keep working."

Cloud dipped her head then moved to another nest. I finished clearing out Thorn's nest and dropped the wet moss beside the rest.

"Most of this can be dried out and used again. But the rest needs to be taken elsewhere, we can't have smelly moss inside the camp." Cloud said, "Do you think you can take the unusable moss to Star Flower's herb garden?"

"But I don't know the way there." I mumbled. Cloud smiled, "It's easy! Take the path out of camp, then take the first path on the right. After that take the third path on the right, it should take you right there!"

I blinked, why was Cloud trusting me with this? I've always failed at the most simple tasks. Cloud rolled the moss over to me, "When you're done come back here, I'm sure Moth has another job for you."

"O- okay." I mumbled, I picked up the moss and padded out of the camp. I stopped, there were three paths I could take. I took the one on the far right, I kept walking, I wanted to prove myself, more than anything. I counted the paths on the right until I got to the third one. If I was right I just had to follow this path to the end, but if I wasn't I would be lost. I paused, I didn't want to get lost, but I also wanted to complete the job. I flicked my tail and padded down the path, I ignored the other paths and kept going. I stepped into a clearing, some herbs grew in the middle of the clearing, others grew on the edge. A small stream trickled through the center of the clearing, a few herbs grew on the very edge.

"Raven?" I spun around, Star Flower stood behind me, "What are you doing here?"

"M- Moth... Cloud- erm- told me to bring moss h- here..." I stammered. Star Flower dipped her head, "Thank you. I have some dry moss for Moth. Can you take him to me?"

"Uh- yeah." I said, Star flower took the wet moss and set it at the base of a few herbs. She pulled a large bundle of moss out from under a root, "Here."

I took the moss and followed my own scent back to Moth's camp. I paused at the entrance of the camp, Heather was talking with Moth in the center of the clearing. Moth spotted me then smiled, "See? I told you he could do it."

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