Chapter 7

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It was nearly sunhigh when we reached Flower hill, it was really more Flower hills. Smokey and I stood atop one of the larger hills, "What kind of hunting do you think we could do here?"

"I don't know." I said, looking over the hills. Smokey flicked his tail, "What do you smell?"

I raised my muzzle, the wind carried scents of many things. The yellow flowers blooming on the hills, the lake, even a faint scent of pine. But there was one scent that stood out from the rest, the breeze carried the strong scent of rabbit. "Are we going to catch a rabbit?"

"With your speed it should be no problem." Smokey said, "The basics are about the same. You wanna stay downwind and get as close as you can, then run and catch it."

"You make it sound easy." I muttered. Smokey smiled, "I'll show you. Stay here and watch."

Smokey crept down the hill, I watched as he stalked through the tall grass. I spotted movement not far from the gray tabby, a brown rabbit was chewing on one of the flowers. Smokey paused, then sprinted forward. The rabbit noticed Smokey a bit too late, it tried to run but Smokey easily caught it. He looked up at me, the rabbit hanging from his jaws. He quickly made his way back to me, "You're turn."

I sniffed the air and found another rabbit. I crept down the hill, the tall grass hiding my dark pelt. I circled around the rabbit so I faced into the wind. I slowly stalked forward, trying to get close to the rabbit. The rabbit looked up, its ears pricked. I froze, had it seen me? The rabbit turned and started chewing on a flower. I gathered myself and dashed forward. The rabbit squealed and turned to run. Smokey was right, I easily caught up. I pushed off the ground, my claws extended. I slammed my paws into the rabbit, killing it.

"Nice job!" Smokey called, as he made his way down to me. I smiled, Smokey glanced at the sky, "We should start heading back if we wanna make it back by sun-set."

I nodded and followed Smokey to the forest, I paused at the tree line and looked back at the flowered covered hills.

"You coming?" Smokey called, I nodded and dashed after him. I was finally able to hunt thanks to Smokey, I couldn't wait to show everyone. As we walked back to the forest camp I heard something in the trees above us. I paused and looked up, I spotted a red and gray tail disappear into the leaves. I flicked my tail and caught up to Smokey. We entered the forest camp, Smokey dipped his head, "See you tomorrow."

I dipped my head and brought my rabbit over to Red and Heather, I dropped it at their paws, "Look what I caught!"

"That's a big rabbit." Red purred, "Good job!"

"How about you and your sister share it?" Heather said, "I believe Feather is resting in her nest."

I nodded and took my rabbit over to Feather. She laid in her nest, she looked a little upset. I set my rabbit down, "Are you okay?"

I looked up at me, a little startled, "Huh? Yeah. I'm fine.'

"I was hoping I could share the rabbit I caught with you." I said nosing it over. Feather flicked her tail and rested her head on the edge of my nest, "I'm not hungry."

"Oh." I mumbled, I looked around the clearing, everyone else seemed full. I sighed, like normal no one seemed interested in my accomplishments. I took the rabbit over to my nest and sat down. I ate the rabbit alone and watched as everyone moved around the camp. I spotted River, Violet and June Bug padding into camp, River was saying something, he looked a little annoyed. June Bug and Violet glanced at each other, they didn't say anything, but they seemed to understand each other. Violet said something then padded to the prey pile, she didn't pick anything to eat, she just sniffed at it while flashing glances at June Bug and River as they padded to their den. Once they were inside Violet walked past me and sat down beside Feather. They quietly talked with each other, when Violet left, Feather got out of her nest and sat down next to me, "May I join you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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