Chapter 5

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I held onto a large ball of moss as I leaped through the trees. I paused, the wind whipped around me, it carried the smell of water. I quickly followed the scent, Moth didn't give me any directions so I had to find my own way to the lake camp. I heard voices below me, I paused. River and Feather walked below me, "I think we'll practice diving today. You've got the basics down, I think you're ready for something a bit harder."

"You think?" Feather said cheerfully as she walked beside River. The gray tom nodded, Feather's eyes glittered. I flicked my tail, Feather has always liked River, she must be really enjoying the time she's spending with him. I followed the path that River and Feather walked on to the lake. I leaped onto the sand, I spotted Jackal sitting in the shade, chatting with an elderly gray tom. I padded over and set the moss down, "Uh... Moth told me to bring this to you."

"Thank you Raven." Jackal purred, she flicked her tail to a small pile of fish, "Feel free to take some back to Moth."

I grabbed three fish and scrambled back into the trees. I leaped through the trees and easily found my way back to Moth's camp. I dropped the fish at Moth's paws, "I did it!"

"Good job." Moth said, "Cloud found some catmint this morning, do you think you can take it to Star Flower?"

"Isn't there gonna be a challenge?" I asked. Moth purred, "Of course! Smokey!"

The gray tabby tom padded over, "Yeah?"

"Some cats would like feathers or ferns to line their nests. Can you ask Heather for some?" Moth said, "I would also like you to race with Raven."

"Of course." Smokey said, he turned to me, "Just because you're Red's son doesn't mean I'll go easy on you."

"I would hope not." I said, lashing my tail. Smokey purred and Moth handed me the catmint. Smokey and I stood in the entrance of the camp, Cloud sat beside us. "Ready? GO!"

I dashed forward, I held on tight to the catmint as I ran alongside Smokey. The gray tabby's longer legs helped him take the lead. We dashed into the forest camp, I set the catmint just inside the entrance to Star Flower's den. The yellow she-cat was nowhere to be found, hopefully she would see the catmint. I turned, Smokey was still talking with Heather. I dashed out of the camp. Red, Night and Bird padded along the path, prey in their jaws.

"Excuse me!" I said. They stepped out of my way, I ran past them and turned onto the path that led to Moth's camp. Smokey suddenly dashed out of the forest, ferns clamped in his jaws. I growled and picked up speed. I spotted the entrance to Moth's camp, I pushed off the ground, I wanted to win. I caught up to Smokey just as we ran through the camp entrance.

"It's a tie!" Cloud said as I skidded to a halt. Smokey set the ferns down, "I would've won, but Raven stayed on my tail in the first half. I couldn't let him know where my shortcut is."

"I see." Cloud purred, she smiled, "Smokey likes to challenge cats to races. You're the first to tie with him."

"Really?" I panted. Cloud nodded, "Really!"

"Have something to drink." Moth said, setting a bit of soaked moss in front of me. I caught my breath and licked water from the moss. Moth flicked his tail, "Cloud will you take Raven back to the forest camp for me?"

"Sure!" Cloud said. She looked at me, "Ready?"

I nodded and followed her into the forest. I padded into the forest camp, Heather greeted me, "I heard about your race. Did you win?"

"It was a tie." I said. Cloud nodded, "But he's the first to tie with Smokey."

I puffed out my chest, I was finally good at something. Feather and River padded into the camp, "Heather!"

"Yes dear?" Heather said. Feather puffed out her chest, "I dived and caught a fish!"

"Oh my!" Heather purred. I lashed my tail, I wasn't mad at Feather, but I finally got to be in the spotlight and now it was gone. Cloud set her tail on my back, "I've to leave now, get some rest okay."

"Okay." I said. Cloud turned and left the camp. Feather turned to me, "How was your day?"

"It was fine." I muttered, walking away. 

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