Chapter 4

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"You're lucky Finn was nearby." Star Flower said, rubbing her paw on my back. I didn't respond, I didn't like Star Flower reminding me about the lake incident. "You should be good to go."

I dipped my head and padded out of the den. June Bug, River, and Feather were sitting near the entrance of the camp. June Bug noticed me and waved her tail, "I'm taking you hunting today!"

"Have fun." Feather said smiling. I blinked, "But, aren't you coming with us?"

"Nope." Feather said, shaking her head, "River said I could be a great swimmer if I keep practicing."

"Oh." I mumbled. Coal's words rang in my ears, I stood up straight and smiled, "You have fun as well."

"Thanks!" Feather said. She followed River out of the camp. I looked up at June Bug, she smiled, "I think we should head to the beech trees."

"Okay." I said following Jung Bug. When we got to the beech trees I spotted a mouse, I crouched down. June Bug fixed my stance, "Now go."

I slowly stalked forward, the mouse didn't expect a thing. I got ready to pounce but slipped on a leaf. "Eep!"

The mouse noticed me and ran under the roots of one of the trees. June Bug nodded, "It was great, you just have to look where you put your paws."

I sighed, I knew Feather was having a better time than me. After what seemed like moons I caught one mouse. June Bug dipped her head, "I think that's enough for today."

I followed June Bug back to camp. Heather greeted me when I entered camp, "You caught a mouse!"

"It's tiny though." I muttered, setting it on the prey pile. Heather licked my check, "You still caught it."

"I think it was deaf." I grunted, "I stepped on two twigs trying to catch it."

I curled down into my nest, I almost immediately fell asleep. I blinked my eyes open, Coal stood in front of me. "Ready to train?"

"Yep!" I said. Coal looked at a tree behind him, "There's a dead branch in that tree. I'll give you a head start, get to the branch before I catch you."

I nodded and dashed towards the tree. I scrambled up the tree, spotted the dead branch and quickly climbed towards it. Coal quickly caught up, I made my way around the tree. I kept going back and forth around the tree. I scrambled onto the dead branch. "I win!"

"Tomorrow we'll work on fighting tactics." Coal said, "You're an excellent climber now."

I smiled, when I woke up in my nest most cats were up and walking around. Feather laid in her nest beside me, there were a few leaves in her pelt, she must've taken a walk last night. I got out of my nest and stretched. Moth was sitting by the entrance of the camp, I made my way over to the gray tom. "Good morning Raven."

"Hi." I mumbled. Moth stood up, "Ready to go?'

I nodded and followed Moth out of camp. Moth paused in the middle of the path, he leaped into a tree, he looked down at me. "Come on up."

I scrambled up the tree, Moth leaped along the branches that hung over the path below. I flicked my tail and raced after him. Thanks to Coal's training I quickly surpassed Moth, I kept going, I only stopped when I reached Moth's camp. Moth joined me, "Not bad. But do you think you can make it to the lake without touching the ground?"

"I'm sure I can." I said. Moth smiled, "Good. Stay right here, I have something I would like you to take to Jackal." 

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