Chapter 1: The Odds Of Winning

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Tanjiro slowly started waking up; his entire body felt numb, as though chains were holding him down, not allowing him to move for even a second. What truly caught his attention was the smell he was picking up; it smelled like fire and blood...

He opened his eyes wide and instantly rose to his feet. He hastily left the building he was in after realizing that it was starting to burn around him. Taking a deep breath and giving what has happened time to process He turned to gaze at the district, which was completely in flames and demolished.

"What... what happened...?" Tanjiro stuttered out.

"Hey... boy... where did you come from...?" A strange voice from behind asked.

Tanjiro froze and began shivering.

'Demon! Demon! But... this is no ordinary demon... W-What... What is this...? What is this presence? It's much deadlier than that sash demon... which means... it is an Upper-Moon!' Tanjiro thought.

Tanjiro didn't know what to do. Should he run? Should he try to call out for someone to help him?

'Should I fight? That doesn't seem like a good idea, but I'm running out of options and time. Wait... where is my sword?' Tanjiro scanned the area for his sword while trying as hard as he could to not move his head. He found his sword on his left a few meters away from him.

"I don't like people ignoring me... speak up!" the Demon said, grabbing Tanjiro by the shoulder as he turned around frantically, his face full of fear.

The demon looked nothing more than a dead skeleton, with black ugly marks around his face and body, his half black half green hair, and blue hakama, with what appeared as blood-red belts around his neck and arms. And also, his eyes... Upper Rank 6.

"Upper Rank 6? But isn't the sash demon the-"

"We're both Upper 6. We're like two in one when we work together." The demon said maliciously.

"That's him, brother! That's the weak slayer that disrespected me!" Daki shouted from behind.

"B-Brother...?" Tanjiro asked with confusion.

The demon giggled mischievously. "Seems like you missed out on a lot of stuff."

"What d-do you mean?" Tanjiro asked.

"While you were sleeping in comfort, your friends and that Hashira were fighting me with their lives~ only to lose them... you see... I KILLED them!" The demon laughed manically.

Tanjiro widened his eyes, tears beginning to form in them.

"No... No! I refuse to believe that! They would never die at the hands of you! They are stronger than you will ever be! They are not dead! You hear me?!" Tanjiro cried out.

"Tsk... you are annoying, you brat! Face the truth, they are dead... gone... but don't worry, you'll be joining them very soon... the last thing you will ever hear ringing in your bloody ears is my name..."

"Gyutaro!" He shouted madly with bloodlust.

The demon raised his scythe and was about to hit Tanjiro, but luckily, he dodged. Tanjiro went in the direction of his sword, but he acted as though he was a coward to distract Gyutaro.

"Haha! Look at you... so pathetic... some demon slayer you are..."

He tripped on a small rock and fell to the ground.

"Eeegh..." Tanjiro grunted.

Tanjiro looked back in fear as Gyutaro was getting closer, so he started throwing rubble at the demon.

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