Chapter 5: To The Swordsmith Village Part 2

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The night Zenitsu awoke.


Sumiyoshi, accompanied by his pregnant wife Suyako, frantically sprinted through the obscure forest. Their desperate flight raised the question: What were they running from?

"I'm in pursuit! HA HA! Run as much as you desire, feeble humans! I can persist all night long," jeered the demon stalking them.

Tears welled up in Sumiyoshi's eyes as he implored, "Kind sir, we pose no harm! We are willing to offer anything! Just spare my family!"

The demon cackled malevolently. "I hunger! And the nutrition from a pregnant human is truly delectable! There is no hope for you; I shall ensure that no part of your bodies goes untouched."

Suyako's stamina waned, rendering her unable to continue the frantic escape. "Sumiyoshi... keep running...!" she beseeched.

"No, Suyako! I shall never abandon you!" Sumiyoshi cried.

"Please... if you remain with me, I will only burden you... run..." she retorted.

Sumiyoshi gazed helplessly at his beloved wife. "No..."

"HA HA! Regrettably, I must interrupt your tender moment~, " the demon interjected while pouncing upon the couple. Their screams of terror filled the air.

'No... I shall perish! Is this how my existence concludes...? No! I am ill-prepared to meet my demise! Oh God, I implore you to save us... at least safeguard my wife and child!' Sumiyoshi's thoughts raced as he bore witness to his life flashing before his eyes. He closed his eyes, bracing himself for the inevitable swipe of the demon's claws.


The attack never landed. Eyes wide with alarm, Sumiyoshi frantically opened his eyes to behold the demon decapitated, its arms severed. Searching for his wife, his gaze alighted upon her, and he breathed a sigh of relief as he observed a man clutching Suyako tightly, refusing to release her.

At first glance, this man emanated strength and unwavering resolve. Clothed in a captivating ensemble, he exuded an aura of power interwoven with elegance.

His attire effortlessly blended tradition with a touch of vibrant modernity. Adorned in a resplendent crimson haori, billowing around him, he captivated onlookers with its rich hue, symbolizing his fiery spirit. The haori flowed gracefully, revealing intricate patterns that seemed to dance and come alive with his every movement.

Beneath the haori, he wore impeccably tailored black hakama pants, a striking contrast to the vivid red above. These pants accentuated his figure, exuding poise and grace with each step. The fabric's darkness seemed to absorb the ambient light, shrouding him in an aura of enigma.

Completing his ensemble, he donned an orange kimono beneath the haori and hakama. The vibrant orange emanated warmth and vitality, harmonizing with his fiery nature. Adorned with subtle yet intricate designs, the kimono hinted at the profound wisdom and legacy he carried.

The man's countenance matched the striking nature of his attire. His eyes, profound and contemplative, possessed a rare intensity, as though peering into the very depths of one's soul. They shimmered with an internal fire, reflecting both determination and compassion. His chiseled face, marked by the passage of time, bore the weight of his experiences, etching tales of battles won, and sacrifices made.

His lustrous ebony-black hair cascaded in elegant waves, framing his face with an air of refinement and enigma. Strands gracefully fell across his forehead, adding a nonchalant touch to his formidable presence. The contrast between his dark tresses and the vividness of his attire further accentuated his mysterious aura.

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