Chapter 4: To The Swordsmith Village Part 1

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Hey guys. I'm really really sorry for the late update. I hope you guys can forgive me. Chapter 5 is on the way, I promise.

Silence. Silence was all that was heard in the midst of an ethereal void, where reality gives way to the unknown. There exists the Infinity Castle, a realm beyond mortal comprehension. Its presence is both haunting and alluring, beckoning intrepid souls to explore its labyrinthine depths.

The castle emerges with an imposing grandeur, its massive walls stretching endlessly in every direction. Constructed from ominous, dark stone, they stand as silent sentinels, shielding the secrets held within. A labyrinth takes shape, a twisting maze of corridors and chambers, where every step can lead to a newfound mystery or a treacherous dead end.

As one ventures deeper, the true majesty of the Infinity Castle reveals itself. A fusion of ancient Japanese aesthetics and otherworldly wonder, the architecture captivates the eye. Intricate patterns adorning the walls, ornate carvings etched into every surface and ethereal decorations suspended in the air evoke a sense of sublime beauty tinged with an unsettling aura.

The corridors, lined with cryptic symbols and glyphs, resonate with an enigmatic energy, as if whispering forgotten tales to those who dare to listen. Within the castle's heart, grand halls unfold, their ceilings reaching towards infinity, while opulent embellishments adorn their every corner. It is in these hallowed spaces that crucial meetings are held, where the clash of wills shapes the course of destiny.

Amidst the winding pathways, one encounters various chambers, each concealing its own purpose and secrets. Living quarters, adorned with a delicate balance of comfort and foreboding, house the castle's inhabitants. Training rooms echo with the sounds of dedication and discipline, where warriors hone their skills for the battles that lie ahead. Storage rooms, brimming with ancient artifacts and arcane relics, guard the forgotten remnants of history.

Yet, the true power of the Infinity Castle lies not solely in its physical form but in its ability to manipulate space and time. A manifestation of its master's command, it defies the laws that bind the mortal realm. Corridors shift, walls morph, and the flow of time distorts, leaving those who tread its halls perpetually disoriented, vulnerable to the whims of a supernatural domain.

There stood a demon on the edge of one of the many strange buildings in the Infinity Castle.

The demon had dark-blue straight lines that stretched throughout his entire body. He had short, bright pink hair that fluffed out around his head, a sleeveless light purple haori with a square pattern on the back and is cropped at his waist that is left open showing off his chest. He wore a white hakama with two blue ropes tied around his hips. In addition, he had large red beads tied around both of his ankles.

He looked up, his inward-tilting yellow eyes with pink eyelashes and blue sclera that looked somewhat like cracked glass, the kanji for "Upper Rank Three" etched into his irises.

|Upper Rank Three: Akaza|

'The Infinity Castle...'

He looked down again.

'If I've been summoned here, then it means...'

Akaza widened his eyes in realization.

'An Upper-Rank has been killed!'

He clenched his fists and powered his legs. It looked like he was about to launch himself away.


He jumped upwards, leaving a massive crater behind him. He then stopped mid-air and plummeted downwards into a free fall. He seemed unfazed. He continued on downwards until he landed on a moving structure that sent him speeding towards his left. When he was about to crash into a wall, he jumped and landed on the entrance of a dark, narrow corridor.

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