Chapter 20- Concecuences

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Kakashi¡s P.O.V.

I looked at the picture of team 7 sadly. Today was the day.

"Kakashi-sama," Katsuro called me from my doorway, making me take my eyes off of the picture. "Are you ready?"

I nodded, and we headed out, where Akio and Daisuke stood. All of us started walking. No conversation was made, which was a new thing for Daisuke. 

We arrived and joined the others. Asuma came to me instantly and we had a short hug, then Kurenai hugged me and took Asuma's hand in hers. They hadn't left each other's side since Asuma came back. Naruto was staring straight ahead, an emotionless face on, while Sakura was crying and being comforted by an also crying Ino. 

I put my hand in Naruto's shoulder reassuringly and tears started to fall from his eyes.

"It's not fair," Naruto muttered sadly.

"I know," I said as I looked forward to the haunting view.

I spotted someone coming towards us, and soon found it to be Kiba. He was a mess. He had bags under his bloodshot eyes, and Akamaru was wimpering besides him. He was hugged by Shikamaru as soon as he arrived and then it started. The Hokage said a few words, which I didn't pay attention too, too lost in my thoughts. Then, she called me forward.

I walked forward and turned towards everyone.

"As you all know, a week ago Akatsuki members attacked the fire temple," I started feeling my hands tremble. "A group of shinobi went after them, and they got in a messy fight. And, not for the fisrt time, she showed brabery like no other. She was after all, a very determined ninja. Time after time, she showed just how much loyalty she had to this village. To many, she was a friend. She would do anything for anyone, afterall. But to me, she was a daughter. She saved my friend that day, she sacrificed everything, because she didn't want me to suffer loss again, but she didn't realize loosing her hurt me too. S-She's leaving many people that love her behind. But most importanly, she's leaving an example. She always put her teams and village above herself. Akira was truly-"

I couldn't continue as tears fell from my eyes. Asuma came and gave my shoulder a squeeze.

"Kakashi," Asuma muttered urgently. "Kakashi wake up.."

I sat upright suddenly panting and standing up.

"Kakashi! Are you alright?" Asuma asked concerned.

We were in the hospital still. She's not dead. Tears actually fell from my eyes as I realized this. That nightmare seemed so real.

"What happened? Is she awake?" I asked turning to Asuma, who looked concerned and kind of guilty.

"No, not yet," he sighed sadly.

It has been a week. Tsunade managed to eliminate most wounds, but the deep gash in her stomach was harder to cure than normal wounds. Apparently she had performed a jutsu which transmitted Asuma's wounds to her. It was almost gone though, and she was better. But still, she wasn't waking up. Shikamaru was soundly asleep in one of the chairs.

"Where's Naruto?" I asked noticing he was missing.

"Went with Kurenai and Kiba to bring some food. They were torturing themselves here. But Shikamaru wouldn't leave. He fell asleep a while ago."

"Asuma," Kurenai said hugging Asuma as they arrived. She has been like this all week. She was really scared. We all were.

Naruto handed me a bag of food and sat himself on the floor to eat, Kiba following suit. The door opened and we all stood up.

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