Chapter 6- Pervs Everywhere

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SOOOO.... i took so long because i really didn't know what should be kiba's reaction... there were many options and I just didn't knooow!  soooo... i hope my decision was good... hehe.


I stood there still as he pulled me closer, and finally getting over the shock I started kissing back. It was so different from our last kiss... He was kissing me urgently... and not so innocently. I could feel his anger, his happiness, and his confussion through the kiss, and I just couldn't help but pull him closer. Even though we were so close, it never felt like it was enough.

Finally, we pulled away to catch our breaths. He rested his forehead in mine, and I just kept my eyes closed, forcing myself to remember this moment exactly as it happened. What is it with this guy? How is he different from all the others? Not that I really care, I just want to be with him, and feel this strange pull, even though it's new for me.

"Why?" he asked, breaking the silence. "Why did you leave that day?"

"I-I had to train and-"

"But... you didn't even let me anwer you! You knocked me out and told me you loved me when I couldn't even answer! Why?!" He sounds pissed off, and of course because of my twisted mind a shiver of pleasure ran through my body.

"I-I was scared..." I said in a little voice, finally opening my eyes to find his eyes looking angrily and intencely at mine. "I was scared of your answer."

He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. Truth is, I felt so atracted to him right now. Fuck, that intence look, it really turned me on. I didn't know this side of Kiba, the angry and agressive type, but I loved him as much as normal Kiba. 

I really couldn't help it... He seemed so out of control, so angry... I acted by pure instinct. We were so close, it was just plain stupid if I didn't. I placed my hands in the back of his head, and when he opened his eyes confused, yet still angry, I kissed him again.

He seemed taken aback, but he didn't hesitate. Soon, he fought for control, and of course I fought back. I could've never imagined Kiba being like this. Like, seriously, does he want to kill me from hotness? He could easily beat Gaara now, and that's saying something, because Gaara was the hottest guy (appart from akatsuki) I had ever met.

He growled as I tryied to be the one in control, and I suddenly hit a tree. Apparently we had been walking all this time. I finally gave in and I felt him smirk. Fuck him and his damn hotness! What the hell? I'M GIVING IN? Not even when I kissed Itachi did I give in! Yeah, yeah, it was a dare, but it had to be a long kiss, so obviously we faught for controll... but I kept fighting till the time was up! I never gave in!

So, my feelings for Kiba really scare me... but I really like them too. I couldn't help but gasp when I felt his tongue slid across by bottom lip, and he sure took advantage of that. I felt his arms on my waist tighten when-

"Akira-chan you want to-" Someone shoted running. "Oh... er..."

We both pulled apart instantly to see a shocked and nervous Naruto. 

"What's up?" I asked him smiling, and I saw Kiba sweatdropp.

"Er... I wanted to invite you to ramen but..."

"Sure! Let's go!"

They both looked at me weardly and I only raised an eyebrow.


"Well... I just interrupted and now... you're acting as if nothing happened... but I mean, you're still in Kiba's arms so..."

"I'm not acting as if nothing happened." I stated bluntly. "We just kissed, you interrupted, I want ramen."

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