Chapter 12- Visiting Bae

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"Stop glaring at him Naruto," I said tiredly as I pouted. My family won't get along.

Naruto glared harder.

"What is it?" Sai asked, now ignoring me expertly.

"I guess they're a little alike," Naruto muttered. "The voice and everything..."

"Please stop staring at me," Sai said calmly. "Don't make me hit you."

"Every damn thing you say just pisses me off more!" Naruto shouted, making me sigh.

I've been trying to remove the tension, but nothing seems to work!

"Uncle!! They're fighting again!" I said as I pouted.

The responce was a simple sweatdrop and an "I'm not your uncle," 

This team is soooo not working together.

"I don't have any malice towards you," Sai said simply. "I'm just trying to put on that kind of attitude."

"AHA! You do have malice you liar!" Naruto shouted. "Why the hell are you here? All you do is piss people off!"

"Naruto!" I scolded frowning. "That's not true Sai! I like you being here!"

"Why are you acting like that Akira? Stop being like that! He's no Sasuke! Stop pretending it's normal he's here! I'm really hating you-"

I stared at him wide-eyed, as he stoped himself and seemed to regret what he said.

"Do you think I don't know?" I said calmbly, looking at the floor. "He's nothing like Sasuke! He doesn't have to be like Sasuke to be here!"

"Don't you see it!" Naruto said, angry again. "This guy is just here to take his place! Someone to fill the gap! I'll never consider someone like him a member of the team!"

"Well, I'm glad you think of me that way," Sai said with his smile still in his face, making me look at him sadly. "I wouldn't want to be linked with that weak shit-for-brains Orochimaru's clone, who anly cared about power and ran off to Orochimaru, betraying Konoha."

Naruto was about to attack Sai, but Sakura stopped him.

"Truly the most important hing is teamwork," Sakura muttered, "Sai... Naruto, since he doesn't know you that well he just said to much. I'm sorry, please forgive Naruto."

"S-Sakura-chan!" Naruto said surprised. I stepped closer to Sai, knowing what was next.

"Think nothing of it," Sai said smiling. 

"That's good," Sakura said. "ME YOU DON'T HAVE TO FORGIVE!"

Sakura went to punch Sai, but I stopped her fist.

"Akira-chan!" Naruto said, as my wrist snapped for holding on that much force.

I looked up at her, and she dropped her fist wide-eyed. "Akira! I'm sorry!"

"Sakura, Naruto, Sai doesn't understand. He's not like you. He didn't know how important Sasuke was... He is not trying to replace him... he's here for a mission," I muttered, then turning to Sai. "And Sai, I don't have a problem with you... I actually like your bluntness... But don't say that of Sasuke... you don't understand either... I know it's not your fault, but please..."

My wrist is killing me! Damn super strong Sakura! Sai's eyes widened in confussion, whie Sakura and Naruto looked away.

"Now, I'm not asking you to be all friendly, but at least don't be at eachother's throats."

I sighed, fixing my broken wrist and bandaging it. "No need to throw un in a wooden cage Yamato," I said smiling sadly. "let's just go."

I didn't go to Sai for the rest of the walk, and I stayed clear of Naruto and Sakura. Where did that come from? Why amd I feeling... guilt? I feel like I couldn't have done anything to change Sasuke's leaving... but I didn't even try. Now, I want to make everything right... but I can't. I can't make my team understand Sai. Everything seems to be pointless. Going on this mission... I have to do it. I have to try and bring Sasuke back. Really try. I'm sorry Hokage-sama, but maybe changing things could be better...

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