Chapter 24 - Episodes

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I walked directly to the Hokage building, knowing full well Tsunade would kill me if I didn't go to her first.

"-Orochimaru is dead," Tsunade was saying. "Sasuke Uchiha killed him."

I stopped outside, waiting to see who else was inside.

"Is... Is that true?" Naruto's voice followed.

"There's no mistaking it," Hm.. I think that's Pervy-sage. "I heard from a reliable source."

"Then-" Sakura started

"Hehehe! There's no way he could've been beaten by the likes of Orochimaru!" Naruto... "So, Sasuke is coming back?"

"He's not," I interrupted solemnly entering the room at last. "Hokage-sama," I bowed. "The information is true, Sasuke has killed Orochimaru. However, I can assure you... He has no plans of coming back to Konoha."

"What do you mean-"

"Naruto," Tsunade silenced him. "Now Akira, I was informed about him taking you. You found anything usefull?"

"Wait, what?" Naruto interrupted confused. 

I sighed tiredly, looking at Naruto and Sakura gravely. "I went to the land of waves, where Sasuke showed up and... I was weak still," I lied, making a pointed look towards Tsunade to let her know we should discuss that. "He was able to take me with him for a few days."

"What! Kakashi told us you went on a solo mission!"

"I did," I replied easily. "My mission was to investigate the land of Waves, I found Sasuke and decided to stay for information."

Naruto and Sakura were shocked to say the least.

"He's forming a team," I told Tsunade. "When they left me he was going for the last member."

"What are their plans?" 

"I don't know," I said with a pained expression. "I was having a few episodes... They left me behind in the middle of nowhere and I have no idea where they were headed... All I know is that it is a powerful team."

"You were with Sasuke," Naruto muttered looking at me hurt. "And you didn't bring him back."

"Naruto, Sakura," I said, not meeting their eyes. "I need to speak to Tsunade-sama... alone."

Both had hurt expressions, especially Naruto, but left the room without a protest.

"What really happened?" Tsunade asked while Pervy-sage stood quietly aside.

"I... I'm not sure," I let myself really show how worried I was for the first time. "I've been getting these... episodes. Remember how I told you I kinda knew everything as if I was reading a comic in which I'm not a character?"

Tsunade nodded, while Pervy-sage looked confused.

"And I mentioned now they were hazy; weakened, even," I said frowning. "Well that's the problem here. Everything I know... everything I knew is disappearing. I can't remember anything that's supposed to happen. I am now as blind as everyone else. When I try to remember what I knew I get intense headaches. And then there's the visions I mentioned. I pass out because I am suddenly infested with horrible images which actually are things I didn't know before."

"This is not good," Tsunade said sitting down, massaging her temples. "We need to examine you... See if it's something specific causing it."

"What if it isn't?"

"Akira," Pervy-sage interrupted. "You do know the Takahashi clan was well known for predicting things right?"

I looked towards him confused. "Yeah, I know that... But they had glimpses, and from what I know, they were painless."

"They were," he agreed. "But maybe since you knew too much, the information could be taking a toll on you."

I paced around nervously, not being able to stay put. "It would make no sense... I don't know I feel we're missing something."

"For now, try not to think about the future too much," Tsunade said finally. "We need you at your best right now, and if it's without knowing  what's going to happen then that's that."

"But how am I supposed to do anything when I don't know the possible consequences?" I asked terrified. "I can't simply go with my gut, I can't risk-"

"Akira," Tsunade said with a solemn smile. "That's what people usually do. You go with your gut and do what you think is best. Now go home, Kakashi has been worried sick."

"Hai, Tsunade-sama," I said finally.

She's right, I can't keep depending on knowing everything to act. I need to start thinking like a real ninja and try and protect the people and the village I love... At least until we figure out what's going on with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2015 ⏰

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