Chapter 9- Back-stabber

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When everyone woke up, we continued our journey. I paid no atention to anyone, I berely jumped whrought the trees with Naruto, as the others talked behind.

I need to think of what I'd do when the Akatsuki see me. It will be Deidara and Sasori... Daidara would kill me for coming here... and maybe literally. 

Finaly, we arrived, and spotten Team Gai.

"Okay," I said seriously. "So since there's a real big probability I end up dead-"

"Don't say that!" Sakura scolded again waking me in the head. I miss weak Sakura...

"I was joking, geez" I whined.

"Now gettin real, if they spot me there might be a momentarly distraction," I said thinking hard, "Team Gai, you don't know so let me fill you in. The Akatsuki have orders to take me, so as I said, I might bring a distraction since I'm of importance at the moment. Now, there are probably two of them in there," I said preteng¡ding to now know it was Deidara and Sasori. "Summoning Jutsu!"

All of my animals appeared at once. 

"Princess Akira," Kiiba said bowing his head a little, as I heard gasps from the others. I mean, he's huge, so I get it. 

"Kiiba," I replied grunting. "I see you still want to call me that."

He smirked as he stood up stright. Idiot.

"What do you want Akira?" Spot said walking to me. 

"OI! I haven't seen you in long!" I said as I hugged him.

"Let go!" Spot said pushing me away by holding my head in his paw as I tried to reach him. "You look like a moron."

"MORON YOUR FACE!" I yelled crossing my arms and pouting. 

"Stop it, both of you," Nala said shaking her head. "What's wrong Akira?"

"Oh, we're to fight Akatsukii in a second, I escaped the base..." I said suddenly getting really serious and sighing. "They took the Kazekage, who we are here to rescue, but they have orders to take me back to the base. We need to take full advantage of the fact that they need me. Gaara's rescue is our priority. Your orders are to ensure Gaara's safety. Are we clear?"

"What?" Spot said shaking his head. "We are to protect you, if they take you I'm going to-"

"You're doing as I said!" I interrupted, making my team look at me shocked and Spot to bow his head reluctantly. "That's an order."

"Yes, Princess Akira," my animals muttered at once bowing their heads.

I hate to talk to them like this but I need to be sure Gaara is okay. The plot can not change. 

Team Gai is gone, and there was a tense silence as we waited. The nerves start to eat me away... I need to win Kakashi's trust back.

Finally the rock was broken, and we entered the room. There seemed to be some tension until their eyes landed on me. Deidara froze up, while Sasori narrowed his eyes.

"Hello," I said sadly looking directly into Deidara's eyes. "Seems like we meet again, huh?"

Dedara didn't move.

"Seems like it," Sasori replied from his huge puppet. 

Deidara recovered and taunted Naruto, while I kept my eyes on Sasori. I need to worry about Sasori. Deidara won't hurt me, so what could Sasori do-

Suddenly I was harshly pulled and in a deathgrip. I saw the Deidara beside Sasori disappear and suddenly I was beside Sasori.

"Deidara?" I said with huge eyes, as I felt something wet in my waist. Deidara took me?! Sasori was the one I thought would try to hurt me! Gah! I forget that when they have orders they put everything aside, and Deidara is very professional.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered in my ear, as Sasori smirked.

"Seems like we'll have to take you to Leader-sama, won't we?" Sasori said looking at me.

I ignored him as I turned around in Deidara's grip, leaving me staring at his chest. I looked up with fearfull eyes. He can't save me this time. This time we will have to fight.

"D-Deidei?" I managed to choke out. "P-Please don't-"

"Shut up," he ordered with sad eyes. He doesn't want to hurt me, but he will if it's necesary. THINK AKIRA!

"AKIRA-CHAN!" Naruto shouted angrily, getting over the shock.

"Seems like we are now enemies," I said sadly.

"We don't have to be, un," He said serisouly. "If you don't fight I won't hurt you, un... You'll just have to come back to the base and things will go back to normal-"

"You know that's not true," I interrupted. "Leader-sama doesn't forgive treason... If you get me back he'll torture me. He'll only keep me alive because I'm a Takahashi, but I will be miserable. Deidara, I'm sorry but I won't go back. My village needs me."

"Your village has other ninja, un!" He said harshly, taking me by the arms and shaking me. "I need you! Come back, I'll talk to Leader-sama, un. Come back, for me, un, please..."

"I'm sorry," I repeated as tears left my eyes.

Deidara sudenlly glared as he forcefully pulled me to him and kissed me, suprising me a lot. Suddenly he pulled back and my eyes went to my stomach., only to see the point of one of my twin katanas sticking out of it. I turned to him wide-eyed.

"I'm sorry too," He said glaring. "But you'll come back."

I coughed up blood, and spotted my other katana in his hand. My muscles were getting tired and I confusedly stared ahead as he became blurry. I took the katana off my back but I couldn't hold it.

"What did you do?" I whispered as I felt my body giving out. 

"I'll see you in a while," I heard him say as my vision became completely black.

He put something in the Katana. He poisoned me. 

"Don't do this-" I whispered as I felt myself completly give in, falling face forward.


Kakashi's P.O.V.

I stared shocked as Deidara kissed Akira, and she stood there with wide, shocked eyes. That little second was all it took for that criminal to steal her twin blades, drip something into one, and stab her in the back.

WHAT THE HELL? He kisses her and then stabs her?

Akira started trembling as we all shouted her name. She took the katana out and it fell to the floor.

He poisoned her! We need to get her to a hospital! I stared shocked as Akira fell to the ground, not moving.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?" Naruto shouted angrily.

"She is in a comalike stae from a poison only I hold the cure to" the one in a puppet said. "She'll be coming to us, or dying."

We all stood shocked until the words sank in. I glared at him, pushing aside the sadness for now. I will kill them.


sorry for the shortness...and for keeping you waiting! I hope you like it, because I had this plnned for a while.... comment pleaseeee!

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