Chapter 4- New Roomies

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"Ah, yeah! We haven't eaten!" Naruto's voice brought me out of my dream-like state.

"I'm a bit hungry after training from yesterday too..." Sakura said as I just tried to ignore them.

Where the hell is Katsuro? I have to be ready for any type of attack...

"Hey if it isn't Naruto!"

I looked up and saw Shikamaru smiling at Naruto.

"Hurtful!" I said pouting.

He looked at me weardly as he thought, and I pouted even more.

"Ali-" Sakura started, but I glared at her, "I mean, Akira, you have changed, it's normal he didn't recognise you."

"SHIKAMARUU! I definitly am angry at you!" I stated as I turned, and as soon as I did, I smirked.

"Katsuro-kun!" I said as I smirked.

He turned around confused, but when he spotted me he smirked, crossing his arms.

"Hm... you still look hot..." I muttered as I cheched him over, but not blushing anymore. (I lived with the Akatsuki who, by the way, didn't care of my presence and where sometimes roaming around in towel. Yeah... Konan didn't seem to notice, but I used to be teased for so much blushing.)

"You've grown..." he said as he too looked me over. "a lot."

I chukled as I took out my Katanas, and he took out one single sword. I heard gasps of people passng around, and people stopped to see.

"Katsuro... is she-?" one of the gus who was with Katsuro asked and Katsuro nodded still smiring.

"I'm not Alison anymore," I said smiling and I hear Shikamaru's confused 'Alison's back?!?' shout. "I've now accepted my true name. Akira Takahashi."

I heard as whispers erupted in the people hearing, and Katsuro looked at me amused. So it's out... I now have to be more careful. Akatsuki will know I'm in this vilage... Although they probably already expected it.

"So, I'm fighting a princess," he said, "this should be easy."

"A princess, yeah," I said as I pulled up my mask (that was in my neck the whole time) and smirled. "But, a princess who is now in the bingo book. S-rank."

"Impossible!" he said frowning. 

"Try me," I said, now amused.

He ran at me and swung, but I just moved out of the way. Too easy. He continued for a while, and I started fighting back. I swung my katanas elegantly as I blocked every single move, and then when I got the chance, I slamed my leg to the back of his legs, making him fall back, and I landed skillfully on top of him, with my tho katanas crossed over his neck.

"I win," I stated smirking.

"YOU GO Ali- I mean.. AKIRA-CHAN!" Naruto shouted.

I put my katanas away and helped Katsuro up.

"Guess you're still better..." he muttered, but then he smiled at me. "I missed you!"

He hugged me and I happily hugged back as we both laughed.

"DUDE!!!!" I shouted in hie ear and he groaned, "I MISSED YOU TOO!"

"Of course you did," he said smirking. "I'm so hot you just missed me huh?"

I sweatdropped. I guess this is my fault... I was the one who made him know i thought he was hot in the first place.

"Wait!" I saidas I grabbed his shoulders and held him at arms lenght. He was still taller than me, and he was wearing a weird brown shirt hith a green jacked tied, and some gray pants withblack ninja shoes. "Hm... looks good!"

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