Chapter 1- Time to Go

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"Akira-chan! I said I'm sorry, un!" 

I ignored Deidara as I sat down in the couch next to Kisame.

"You look tired," he noted smirking.

I glared at him, "Oh, do I? Maybe it's because yesterday Itachi made me use the Kansen all fucking day!"

He chuckled as I pouted.

"Itachi is no fun..." I started to complain, however I stopped when Kisame smirked as he nodded to someone behind me. Oh gosh, Itachi is behind me. "I-I mean! Itachi is too much fun... Y-yeah!"

I gulped when I felt his hand in my shoulder, and I turned around and smiled innocently. "Oh, Itachi, I never knew you were there!"

"What were you saying?” He asked glaring.

"W-What?" I said wide-eyed. I mean this isn't like Itachi... he woul've just glared or something.

Itachi smiled and I stared confused. Itachi never smiles. Suddenly, instead of Itachi stood there Hidan laughing like an idiot.

"HIDAN!" I yelled outraged. He was transformed! I should’ve known! "You fucking bastard!"

"HEY don't you fucking call me fucking bastard, you fucking bitch!" he yelled as I pouted.

"It's not funny! You scared me!" I said as I crossed my arms and pouted more.

"That was the point, kiddo," Kisame said as he pated my head.

"You guys always bully me!" I said as I glared at Kisame. It's true! They always seem to be in a mood to mess with me.

"Bull crap!" Hidan denied as he laughed a bit.

"Bull crap your face!" I said as I stood up and pointed a finger.

"Hey you bitch-"

"Pain's called a meeting," Itachi said as he entered the room and looked at us.

"No fair! I will stay alone again!" I said as I pouted.

"Well, it's an Akatsuki meeting... if you became an Akatsuki-"

"Shush Kisame. I'm not becoming an Akatsuki!" I said stubbornly. I should actually start heading back to Konoha… The time the Hokage gave me is almost over...

"You are now good enough," Kisame said as he looked at me thinking, "Why do you keep saying no?"

"I still have to train," I lied easily. "Besides, I still haven't fulfilled my purpose. Now, go to your meeting."

Kisame rolled his eyes as he and the others followed Itachi. I sighed as I walked to Deidara's room. I have to tell him... I will wait until he gets back.

"Wake up, un!" Someone said as he shook me awake. I instantly attacked, since it wasn't Toby’s chakra, who usually is the only one that wakes me up. I sighed as I realized I was holding a kunai in Deidara's throat.

"Sorry," I mumbled as I got off him. 

"Am I forgiven, un?" he asked hopefully as I nodded and he hugged me.

"Deidara-kun!" I said after a while of his 'thank you's 

"What is wrong, un?" he asked as he finally let go.

"Well..." I hesitated. "I'm leaving... like tonight... to Konoha."

He gasped as he stared at me wide-eyed.

"Y-You can't, un!" he whisper-yelled scared.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"T-The meeting! Leader-sama was thinking it was time you officially joined Akatsui, since you're now good enough, un. He even said our fist mission could be to kill the Uchiha, so you'd want to stay! If you leave now, he'll most likely send people to kill you, un! You do know since he found out you were a Takahashi he was not going to let you leave right. un?!"

"W-What?" I said as I looked helplessly at Deidara. "But I never wanted to join Akatsuki!"

"Well, un... we all thought..." he started and I sighed as I held my head in my hands.

"What will I do?" I said helplessly as I thought of Konoha. No way was I staying here! I can't! If I take one week longer that the time the Hokage said, a scroll would be opened with the info. Of this mission, and they would either grant me for dead, take me as a rouge, or send people to rescue me… none which I want to happen.

"Why do you want to leave, un," Deidara said, and I looked at him sadly. "We've become like a family, un. You must have noticed... You make us better, un. We all get to be a little more laid back, with you being al childish, un. You help us, un... Why leave?"

"I need to go back to the people I love," I said looking at him sadly.

"Don't you love us, un?" he said looking at the floor and turning away. "Then go."

"Deidei," I said reaching to hold his shoulder. "That's not true. You know I love you guys. More than anything. But, Konoha needs me."

I could feel my eyes tearing up. I am a traitor to Akatsuki.

"I'll help you, un," he said finally, closing his eyes as if in pain. I sighed sadly... Oh Deidara, in another life, I would've stayed for you... But I love Kiba, and that's not going to change. 

"You can't, Pain-sama would kill you..." I muttered. "I will transport there in Kiiba, and you knew nothing about it." 

Kiiba is my wolf, I can now summon him. Yes... I named him that because I really missed him, so it made me happy. (A.N.: I’ll write it with two ‘I’ so you don’t get confused.)

"Fine, un..." he agreed hesitantly. 

"Well... I guess it's time to go." I stated standing up. "I'll miss you Dei-dei..."

"I'll miss you too, un," he stated as he hugged me, and I hugged back.

I'll truly miss everyone... even Zetsu. No not really… I smiled half-heartedly at Deidara as I went to the window.

"Wait-" he stopped me as he grabbed my wrist, and I looked at him confused. He looked away, sighting. "Y-You are forgetting your weapons, un..."

"Oh right!" I said stupidly. "Thanks!"

I appeared in my room and grabbed everything. I left my Akatsuki cloak and a note that said only one sentence: "Goodbye, I will miss you all. -Akira"

I summoned Kiiba and he silently made a run for it. I looked back only to find I couldn't see the hideout anymore. There was no going back now. I sighed as I finally relaxed, and ordered Kiiba to wake me up when we got there, and then I took out my headband and tied it loosely around my waist. Konoha, here I come!


i was so saaad... i love akatsuki :( but she has to go back! I mean, KIBAAAA! heh... and the others.. yeah... hope you liked it! I actually did... but i'm not so sure heh

sorry for shortness... but I'm sleepy heh.. I'll write something tomorow!


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