Christmas Confession - Yunho x Reader

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I clutch the candy cane tightly in my hands, debating in my head whether or not to give it to him. I could just give him the candy cane and not the note, or just the note and no candy cane? But then he'll suspect something if it's just a note. But it's Christmas so I could just say it's a Christmas gift and leave it at that, right? Or I leave right now and give him nothing at all-

"Y/n?" I hear a voice call out to me as I look up to see the tall, handsome boy who's been occupying my thoughts for a while now. Say something, don't just stand there like an idiot!

"Hi Yunho," is all I manage to say and quickly hide the candy cane behind my back, the note still dangling off of it. The note confessing my feelings to him. This was a bad idea, a very very bad idea. You should leave now, why aren't you going?

"What do you have there?" He asks, trying to peek over my shoulder. I quickly dodge his curious gaze by leaning against the nearby wall with an awkward smile. Okay, just act casual.

"Oh nothing, just some," I pause trying to find the right words, "candy. Yeah, candy."

He chuckles, leaning his hand against the wall staring right into my eyes, "just candy, hmm? Then why can't I see it?"

I'm at a loss for words when Yunho stares at me with his puppy-like eyes so innocently and cutely. I chuckle nervously, taking the candy cane from behind my back. But not before ripping the note off of the candy cane, "see? Nothing to hide."

He looks at me with a raised brow, glancing between myself and the floor as the confession I ripped off the candy cane floats down to the ground. Please don't pick it up, please don't pick it up!

He leans down, picking it up with a smile, "you drop this?"

I feel my face flush a bright red, "I give up."

I give a defeated sigh putting the piece of candy in his hand and begin to walk away. I should've never done this-

"Wait," I don't stop walking away until his hand grabs mine gently, making every part of my body freeze on the spot, "is this...for me?"

I can't bear to look at him, too embarrassed just thinking about what his reaction might be, so I just nod my head expecting him to let go of my hand but instead his arms wrap around me. He pulls me into his chest as my heart feels as if it's going to beat out of my own chest, holding me close to him. My mind is blank when he gently rests his head on top of mine, my face most definitely a bright red.

"Y/n?" He says softly.


"I like you."

My eyes widened hearing those words, "what?"

He gently turns me around to look at him but I keep my head down not being able to look in his eyes, "you heard me."

"There's no way," I whisper to myself but he just chuckles having heard it and lifts my chin up to meet his eyes.

"There is most definitely a way," we stare into each other's eyes for what feels like an eternity, "may I?"

Only when his thumb brushes against my lip do I finally understand and breathlessly answer, "yes."

No more words are shared between us as he plants a kiss on my lips. It was quick yet slow at the same time. So gentle and soft that if I hadn't been paying attention, I would've never known he kissed me.

Is this real life?

"Merry Christmas," he says with that grin I love so much, holding the candy cane and note in his hand. He caresses my hand in his softly staring lovingly into my eyes.

"Merry Christmas," I reply back with a shy smile.

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