A Fictional Attraction - Seonghwa x Reader

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I sigh in content sitting in the bean bag chair I think of as 'my seat' within this library since I visit here so often. The murder mystery I picked out today being able to portray the perfect type of story I love to read, a case of mystery about a murder with a brewing romance. This time it's between a detective and the victim, which happens to be my favorite. I smile to myself seeing the subtle flirting happening within this one scene and smile to myself. They're so cute together.

I find myself thinking over the interaction wondering if I'll ever get to experience some sort of love at some point. I've been single all my life but I guess that's what you get when you have your head in your books all the time. But then again, Rory Gilmore got an admirer so maybe there is some hope. I shake my head at the thought knowing it's ridiculous to hope for someone to notice you in such a strange or unexpected setting.

"Is this seat taken?"

I look up in alarm not having heard anyone approach and stare wide-eyed seeing a stunning man standing in front of me, pointing to the seat...next to me. I clear my throat feeling embarrassed for just looking at him without responding and give a quick nod before tucking my head back inside my book.

He chuckles quietly before muttering a quick 'thank you' and plops down into the bean bag next to mine. I mumble out a 'you're welcome' in reply although I don't know what he's thanking me for when the seat was obviously free. Maybe for the answer to his question?

I try to ignore the growing butterflies in my stomach beginning to fly around as I stare at my book but the words are all becoming jumbled when I try to read a sentence. Why is someone like him sitting next to me? My curiosity gets the best of me as I peek my head out of my book looking over at him to see he's already gazing at me with a sweet smile. I immediately avoid his gaze and go back to the book only to find I've now lost my page as well. Just great, now I really have no idea what's going on.

"What are you reading?" he asks suddenly with a sweet tone that I can't ignore.

I hesitate a little before answering, "it's a murder mystery."

I glanced over at him again to see the book in his hand as well, peaking my curiosity, "what's yours?"

"An action romance," he replies with a grin that made my heart skip a beat. What's up with me?

I send him back a shy grin, "well I hope you enjoy it."

"I will," he replies, opening up his book and adjusting his glasses preparing to read. I let out a quiet sigh of relief as I turned back to my own book to see his attention is directed towards me anymore. But my heart still seemed to race having him next to me. Just what is going on?


I smile widely as the male detective confesses his love to the victim after saving her from the criminal that was determined to hurt her some way or another. So heroic. I flip to the final page of the book where she confesses back her feelings before the book ends with them kissing. So cute.

"Excuse me?" A voice says next to me causing me to snap out of my daze.

"Y-Yes?" I stutter out startled that I nearly forgot he was here from being so sucked into the book.

"The librarian just came by and told us the library going to close soon," he says with a soft chuckle, "but I guess you didn't hear her."

I awkwardly chuckle collecting my things, "I definitely didn't. Thank you so much."

After gathering my things, I glance over to see him still standing there. I raise an eyebrow at him confused as to why he's just standing there. He smiles shyly before extending out his hand to me, "would you mind if I walk you out?"

Even when he avoids my eyes I connect my hand with his and smile shyly back feeling a blush blossoming on my cheeks, "I would love that actually."

His eyes light up seeing my hand in his and he begins to head towards the exit of the library. I took this moment to look up at him and see his side profile. His well defined jaw left me speechless and striking eyes that would make anyone melt by just one look. Not only that but his hair falls perfectly framing his face and looks incredibly soft. It's hard to look away from such a masterpiece but I snap my attention back when we exit through the front doors of the library.

I loosen my grip on his hand ready to let go but he stops me at the end of the steps, pulling me back towards him. I gasp out in surprise not expecting the action, "wait! Before you go, I uh-"

I wait patiently as he cutely stumbles over his words before finally finding the words he wanted to say, "I've noticed you for a while always reading in that same spot in the library. I think you're really cute and wanted to know if you would like to get coffee sometime?"

I stare in shock seeing his cheeks dusted with a light pink. He's adorable.

"Hmm maybe if I can at least know your name first," I tease, realizing we hadn't even introduced ourselves to each other yet fully.

His eyes widen and I giggle quietly seeing the blush on his cheeks darken, "How rude of me, I'm Seonghwa." He reaches out his hand for a hand shake.

I smile widely accepting his hand shake, "Y/n and no worries about it."

He quickly took out a piece of paper from his pocket and circled a number on it, "if you still wanna consider the coffee offer still just call the number on here."

I take the small slip of paper with a grin and turn around heading off but not before waving the paper in the air. Taking the chance to glance back to Seonghwa with a wink who stands there shocked with pink dusted cheeks, "see you soon for coffee, Seonghwa."

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