Rescuer - Mingi x Reader

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Warning ! Includes stalking and physical violence.

I sigh heavily, feeling exhausted from my day at the office. It seemed everyone today was complete imbeciles at their jobs since nothing was done right. I had to fix almost all of the work that was turned into me and often I understand mistakes but today there were just too many to fix. Maybe I should have the supervisors watch over the employees more and help them so this doesn't happen as much. I groan in annoyance at the thought of having to do a bit more work after this in order to have more duties put in place for my supervisors but wanting to not have to repeat this all over again wins.

My eyes naturally glance up towards the sky looking for some sort of solace. The darkness of night is comforting in a strange way as the stars line the sky creating different shapes. The only light coming from the street lamps and the moon that illuminates part of the sidewalk. A nice peaceful walk at night like this always seemed to calm my mind. Although a sudden chill runs down my spine not from the breeze but the abnormal pair of footsteps that echo mine. When did the footsteps start? Is someone following me?

My mind floods with thoughts of the strong possibility of someone following me and I can already feel my shoulders beginning to tense. I quickly pick up my pace to see if it was true and my heart races anxiously hearing the footsteps speed up as well. Really? Today of all days?

I keep the fast pace not really knowing what else to do but just hoping to keep some sort of distance. Yet in the back of my mind I know that they're getting closer and closer with each step I take. Their footsteps keep sounding louder and louder, hitting the pavement with determination to continue to follow me. Come on, just a little further and you're home. But I pause at the thought. Should I even go home? I don't want this person knowing where I live. My breath starts to become uneven from the sped up walking pace compared to my normal but mostly from the looming figure walking behind me.

But a hand grabbing my wrist rips a scream out from my throat, in a sad attempt to hopefully catch the attention of some passerby. But it seemed I wasn't so lucky when I couldn't see anyone in the street except for me and the creep. I struggle in their hold, trying to free my wrist but their grip only grows stronger. I grit my teeth in both determination and slight agony from the tight hold. I try to look at their face to be able to give some sort of identification to the police but whoever they are is covered in black clothing from head to toe. If I even got the chance to call the police.

"Let me go!" I shout continuing to struggle as they start dragging me off to who knows where, "please! I promise not to report this to the police if you don't."

That was a lie. I plan on reporting everything because who wouldn't? But the perpetrator doesn't stop, continuing to take me to my doom. Is this it? All I've ever worked for gone? I try to slow them down as much as possible by planting and dragging my feet into the ground not wanting it to end this way. The sound of my shoes scraping against the pavement echoes in the night along with my own grunts of struggle.

"What do you want? Money? Because I have it," I try to convince them hoping bribery would work to get me out of this but the figure remains silent to my pleas, "just let me go! Please!"

I continue to push and pull my wrist against their grip hoping it'll do something but only gasp in shock when I hear a loud groan from my capturer. The hold he has on my wrist lossens enough for me to escape and I quickly look over to see a guy in a long trench coat punch the creep square in the face. I cringe hearing something that sounds like a bone crack but I move quickly to hide behind a nearby trash can. The strong need to put something between me and the creep just in case he chooses to do something or makes it out of this fight conscious. God, I hope not.

I watch hesitantly as the tall man in the trench coat continues to throw hard and fast punches until finally my perpetrator is lying on the ground. Both of us stare at him for a full minute to confirm he's unconscious and only then does the tall man glance over to me. His hard gaze fell into something softer when looking at me. Not sympathy or pity, just a look of pure concern for my well being.

"Are you alright, Miss? Did he do anything to you?" He asks softly, walking over to me. He hesitantly crouches down next to me but keeps a good foot between me and him, wanting to respect my space.

"I'm alright now, it's nothing really," I say with a shaky chuckle, "just that I'll have a nasty bruise on my wrist now."

My gaze lingers on my wrist that's already turning an ugly purple and blue. That will be fun to try and explain to my co-workers. But I snap out of my thoughts when he gently gestures to take or more so examine my wrist. I hesitated for a moment but let myself trust the man as he did just save me. I gently put my wrist in his obviously larger hands and he cradled it when examining it, as if it was the most fragile thing in the world.

"I'm no doctor but if you're careful and make sure to ice it every day," he says with a grin, "I think you will recover just fine, Miss. Although maybe you should actually go see a doctor just in case."

I can't help but chuckle at his "diagnosis" for me, "well thank you. But may I ask the name of my rescuer?"

"Song Mingi," he says, letting go of my wrist carefully and sending me a smile that's all too familiar.

"I knew you looked familiar!" I exclaim as it finally clicks where I recognized him from. He's one of the managers for the sales floor.

"Huh?" He asks with a confused look.

"You work for my company," I reply as his face forms into a look of shock, finally recognizing who I am. I giggle a little, finding it cute that he just now realized but I can't blame him, it is very dark out with minimal light. The once scarier atmosphere becomes lighter with his presence next to me.

"Y-You're- oh my-" he stutters out at a loss for words and I finally stand up brushing myself off with my good hand. He follows suit and stands up as well, his figure towering mine with ease.

"Your boss? Mhm," I responded with a chuckle seeing his expression, finding it cute. But I can't help it when my eyes linger back to the problem at hand, or more of the problem that was laying in the sidewalk, "so what are we going to do about that?"

His eyes follow my gaze and seeing the person he just beat up and awkwardly chuckles.

"Leave them?" Mingi shrugged and I couldn't help but nod in agreement, feeling the person needed to learn their lesson. Although I had a strong gut feeling that nothing would change their ways no matter what. I'll file a police report once I'm home about what happened. Hopefully they can catch him soon and get him before he wakes up.

"May I walk you home?" Mingi asks hesitantly looking towards the sky, too shy to make eye contact and I smile softly. Just his presence puts me at ease after knowing he can protect me like he did just now. He really is my rescuer and I'm glad he was.

"I'd really like that," I say, feeling safer with him now by my side.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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