Jealousy - San x Reader

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I stare out the window of the cafe and tap my foot anxiously waiting for San to show up. He said he had something to talk about but he was so vague as to what it was about. I sigh quietly and look down at my latte with a cute little design. I pout my lips knowing to drink the delicious coffee I have to ruin the design, but my want for caffeine wins the battle in the end as I pick up the cup, taking a sip. Hmm, definitely worth it.

"Y/n, is that you?" A voice says as my eyes widen seeing a face I hadn't seen for years. Just what is he doing here?

"Jeno?" I say, the name falling off my lips so easily from memory when he was the one constantly taking up all my thoughts during high school. I couldn't forget him that easily and he looks almost the exact same.

"It is you!" He says excitedly and pulls me up from my seat into his arms. I stand still in his arms caught off guard from the sudden action not knowing to respond to him, my ex-crush. Why did he just have to show up so suddenly? Especially when I'm about to meet San, who I know wasn't a fan of Jeno. I give him a small pat on the back beginning to feel awkward from being in his arms for so long, it just doesn't feel right, especially when I have genuine feelings for someone else now. But I won't lie, he's still as handsome as ever.

"Yes, it's nice to see you-" I start to say but the person I'd been expecting to come finally appears with an unreadable expression on his face seeing me in Jeno's arm. I try to find any words but my mind becomes blank, my thoughts all in a jumble from seeing his eyes glaring at Jeno, the unexpected guest hugging me. I want to explain the situation but it's a little difficult with Jeno holding onto me still. Why isn't he letting go?

"Y/n, who's this?" San says in a calm tone, almost too calm. I awkwardly smile at him and take the chance to step out of the already prolonged and uncomfortable hug from Jeno.

"You remember Jeno, right?" I reply, gesturing to Jeno beside me but San only clicks his tongue in response.

"I can't seem to remember," he teases with a glint of mischief in his eyes directed towards Jeno. I quickly sat back down where I had been sitting and waiting for San, not wanting to stay within the tense atmosphere beginning to brew between the two males.

Jeno's joyful grin diminishes at the sight of San, "didn't know the two of you still hung out, still best friends, hmm?"

I look over at San to see his jaw clench at the question and answers with a roll of his eyes, "why don't you mind your own business."

"Hey, hey," Jeno says, laying a hand on my shoulder causing my body to tense uncomfortably from the unexpected touch, "just wanted to check if she was still free." What am I? An object to buy? Why did I ever like this jerk? I'm not an object of affection to be bought. And I'm appreciating how handsy he's being with me, too.

"Well too bad because she's taken," San seethes, stalking forward to pry Jeno's hand from my shoulder which he does with ease as his tongue pokes the inside of his cheek in annoyance, "so I suggest that you take your leave now." I'm glad San managed to get his hand off me but what is he talking about being taken? Thinking over the word taken from San's lips made my heart flutter, imagining that he meant that I was taken by him.

Jeno chuckles darkly, "Darn," he feigns an innocent frown, "But don't be surprised if she came running back to me after being stuck with you."

"In your dreams," I butt into the conversation, feeling the need to defuse these constant advancements from Jeno in order for him to get the message. I roll my eyes starting to get pissed off at his cockiness before sending San a quick smile which he reciprocates and turns to face Jeno.

San cocks an eyebrow with a smirk, now only a few inches away from Jeno's face and lets out a small deep chuckle, "you heard the lady. Bye, bye."

Jeno scoffs loudly and storms out of the cafe, not even sparing a glance back in our direction. I let out a sigh of relief and looked up to see San looking over at me with a soft gaze in his eyes compared to the harsh gaze he wore earlier when dealing with Jeno. I smile softly at this and gesture for him to take a seat across from me which he gladly accepts. He runs his hand through his hair letting out his own sigh before resting his arm on the table.



"No, you first," I say with a small smile, "you were the one who called me here to talk, so talk."

"Well," he starts with a shy grin, not even meeting my eyes, "he may have spoiled the reason I came here to talk to you." He's so cute.

"What might that be?" I tease making him groan in response knowing I'm just doing it to tease him.

"You know Y/n! Please don't tease me," he begs with a pout on his lips that I couldn't resist accepting my defeat to his plea. But then again, who could ever resist such a man? Certainly not me.

"San," I say softly and carefully take his hand lying on the table in mine, "I can't lie that when you said taken, my heart skipped a beat and that was because I thought about it being true, me and you."

"Y/n L/n," he whispers only loud enough for us to hear, a wide grin on his face as he caresses my hand with his thumb gently, "will you do me the honor of making it true and being taken by a man who is deeply in love with you?"

"I thought you'd never ask," I giggle softly while he holds my hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss to it that sends a rush of butterflies to my stomach.

"Now, may I ask why in the world Jeno was here?" he asks, tilting his head cutely with a small pout on his lips that I wanted to kiss away so badly.

I awkwardly chuckle and give his hand a small loving squeeze, "he randomly saw and recognized me when I was waiting for you to get here. He was in the middle of greeting me when you showed up."

"A little too friendly of a greeting if you ask me," San grumbles out, swinging out hands together slowly.

"Is someone jealous?" I tease with a giant as he scoffs at the question, immediately letting go of my hand.

"Me? Jealous?" He gasps out feigning innocence of the accusation but the small smile on his lips with the light blush blossoming on his cheeks says otherwise. You're adorable, Choi San.

"Mhm," I tease further and grab his hand in mine again, placing a kiss on his hand with a shy grin from feeling his eyes watch my every move, "but I guess it's fine since that means you like me."

"That is where you're wrong," he says as I furrow my eyebrows at him, starting to second guess everything, "because I'm actually in love with you, Y/n."

I gasp loudly in reply and smack his hand away from mine playfully this time, "you scared me! Don't play little pranks like that on me." But I couldn't stop the heat rising to my cheeks from the unprompted confession that made my heart skip a beat.

"Whatever you say," he says with a cheeky grin that made my heart melt, "but I believe you liked it from how much you're blushing."

"Shut up," I blurt out and reach to take a sip of my latte feeling shy still from his confession. But San just smiles more in response and leans his head against his hand with a soft gaze directed at me. This man is going to be the death of me.

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