The Perfect Male Lead - Wooyoung x Reader

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I giggle to myself, excited after seeing the panel of the main characters holding hands after the mutual pining they had for each other. They're so cute together, ah! Luckily it only took them ten chapters in to finally begin to realize their feelings for one another even if they haven't confessed yet. It's a slow burn yet fast moving enough that it isn't too slow for me. The male lead in the following panel has a small blush along with the female lead. I let out a little squeal at the sight, finding it completely adorable.

"What's got you all giggly?" Wooyoung teases coming out of nowhere. My eyes widen as I quickly exit out of the comic feeling my own blush growing out of embarrassment feeling caught. He raises an eyebrow at my suspicious behavior and slowly walks toward the bed where I'm seated. When did he get here? Or come home for that matter?

"N-Nothing, just was watching a cute youtube video," I say as a white lie knowing most people's reactions in the past to me reading webcomics was less than pleasant. Although I don't think Wooyoung would react that way, it's out of reflex to try and hide it.

"Then why was my girlfriend looking at a webcomic, hmm?" he says, my eyes widened not realizing he managed to sneak a peek at what I was doing. Just when did he get here? Had I really been that oblivious? He chuckles softly and takes a seat next to me, gently putting his around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. A smile pulls at my lips from the small affection, distracting my mind from the question he just asked.

"Well, umm, you see-" but he cuts off my words by placing his hand cupping my cheek as his thumb light brushes against my bottom lip causing my face to redden again. The sensation sent a pleasant shiver down my spine.

"You're really cute, you know that?" he whispers before planting a soft kiss to my forehead and moving his thumb to caress my cheek, "I'll have you know I read webcomics on the occasion myself. But darling, I hope you know I would never judge your hobbies unless you're doing something that's dangerous or where you could get yourself hurt."

I feel tears threaten to fall from hearing his sweet sentiment, "how did I get so lucky to have you?"

"Hmm, I think it's the other way around Darling," he says, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear before gently beginning to twirl the small piece of hair with his finger. He smiles widely at me and I can't help but smile right back at him. How can he be so perfect? Who knew I'd be so lucky.

"You really know how to make a girl swoon, Woo," I say with a sigh to tease him but he just chuckles in response.

"Only because it's you," he says, bopping my nose, "my darling."

"You're so cheesy," I grumble at the annoyingly cute gesture, making him chuckle.

"Just like those webcomics, hmm? You could say I'm the male lead and you're the leading female," he says, picking me up off the bed and begins to twirl me around, "the destined couple."

"I wouldn't have any other way, my Woo," I say, planting a quick kiss on his lips but he kisses me again right away making me smile into the kiss.

You're the perfect male lead in my eyes and I'm glad that you're in my story, no one else's. 

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