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This was the very first poem I wrote possibly in January maybe I forgot xD

TW: blood, graphic / grey scene

Bright red blooming roses,
One in particular catches his eyes,
He approaches the beaming flower,
Step by step,
Creeping up to it,
It almost glistened to him,
Warming his heart the closer he got,
Wondering through the leaves,
Getting to his destination,
He glances at the sparkling rose,
Tears of joy form in his once despair-filled eyes,
A long lost smile once again presented to the world,
He reached for the special rose,
Holding it delicately in his fingers,
Drips of blood land on his face,
This perfect rose had cut him with its razor-sharp thorns,
Overwhelmed with deception,
He cries,
Bloody tears stained his face,
He felt as if his heart was ripped out of his chest,
And the rose was the culprit,
How could something so beautiful turn out to be so horrid?
He wasn't sure
Coughing up red and bloodied petals,
Such agony he felt however he continued smiling,
He had to hide this,
How would the world react at a man who got ripped apart by a single rose?
He'd listen to mocking laughs directed to him till his grave,
His now dead eyes,
Weak and fragile body,
Sitting in blood and petals,
His blood,
Beside him was the rose,
Such beautiful scenery,
With all the strength left in his body,
He placed the rose against his lips,
The soft petals brushed against his dry and scarred lips,
He couldn't breathe,
Blood gushing from a slit in his throat burning as the tears join the wound,
Unable to move,
He sat with the rose now in his lap,
His lifeless body suddenly wrapped with veins,
A rose he became.


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