♡ H I M ♡

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In hazel gaze, a world unfolds,
Golden brown locks, tales untold.
A boy, a balm, my heart beholds,
Clearing the fog, where joy unfolds.

His eyes, a haven, serene and wise,
Golden strands, a sunlit prize.
Negativity, in his presence dies,
In his laughter, my spirit flies.

He paints my days in hues so bright,
Golden hair, a source of light.
In his embrace, my heart takes flight,
True love's whisper, soft and right.

With hazel eyes, he reads my soul,
Golden brown, a love to extol.
In happiness, we find our role,
A love story, harmonious and whole.

He weaves magic in every smile,
Golden strands, love's sweetest aisle.
In his arms, a sanctuary, worthwhile,
A haven where true love's exile.

In hazel eyes and golden grace,
I find joy, a sweet embrace.
He's the melody, my heart's own pace,
In his love, I've found my place.

I think i've found my safe place :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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