You're gone, my sweetheart

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In the silence of the night, I weep,
A love once vibrant, now buried deep.
He was my compass, my guiding light,
But now he's gone, lost in the endless night.

His absence like a storm, a bitter blow,
Leaves me wandering in a world of woe.
I ache for his touch, his warmth, his embrace,
But he's moved on to another place.

I battle with the shadows in my mind,
As I search for solace in a bottle I find.
Each drink a futile attempt to escape,
The heartache that's become my cruel landscape.

I long to hear his laughter, see his smile,
But he's gone, it's been a while.
I'm haunted by the love we used to share,
But now I drown it in the depths of despair.

My thoughts are a tempest, a storm so wild,
As I try to mend this fractured, shattered heart.
He's moved on, and I'm left here to sway,
Trying to drink the pain and tears away.

I know it's over, we're done for sure,
But I can't let go, my heart's still impure.
So I'll numb the ache, I'll dull the strain,
Until there's nothing left but the falling rain.

In this endless darkness, I'll search for the day,
When the memory of him begins to fade away.
I miss my sweetheart, but we're worlds apart,
And all that's left is this broken, wounded heart.

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