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As I sit and ponder our times
I find myself in deep reminiscence
Reflecting on my past mistakes
That put our love in defense

The words and actions that hurt you
Still fresh and clear in my mind
Pushing you away with my immaturity
Leaving you feeling like you were behind

But with each passing day, I grew
Maturing to find a love that is true
I've learned forgiveness and open communication
Giving me hope that there's still a solution

I'm sorry for my past blunders
For the moments in which I failed
I'm reaching out with a heart sincere
Hoping this apology has nailed

I have grown and changed in my ways
My love for you remains the same
I want to love you so deeply
With a heart that's forever tame

Please know that my heart aches
Thinking that you might leave
I promise you, my dear, my love, amore mio
With all my being, I truly believe

That our love can surpass the pain
And we can create new, happy memories
I'm willing to work hard and be patient
To show you the love that's necessary

So please don't go, my love
Stay and let me make things right
I vow to love, cherish, and honor you
Until the end of my days and nights.

:P idk when I wrote this

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