Love after war

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In the aftermath of battles, once fierce and cold,
Two boys, once foes, now stories to be told,
Their hearts, like battlefields, were scarred and torn,
But love emerged from wounds where hate was born.

With eyes that once met on the field of strife,
Now gazed upon each other, full of life,
Their swords, now sheathed, were no longer drawn,
Replaced by hands that found love's gentle dawn.

The echoes of the cannons had long ceased,
Replaced by whispers, tender and at peace,
They found in one another, strength anew,
In love, they discovered a bond so true.

Their hearts, once fueled by anger's fiery blaze,
Now kindled passion's gentle, warming rays,
In tender moments, love began to bloom,
A fragile, precious, and forbidden bloom.

For on opposing sides, their paths had crossed,
In battle's fury, dreams and hopes were lost,
But in each other's arms, they found their way,
To heal the wounds of war, to start a new day.

They knew that love could be their greatest sin,
Yet they embraced it, let their hearts begin,
A tale of love, where hatred once did dwell,
In a world where peace and love would surely quell.

Their love, a testament to grace,
A story of redemption in this fragile space,
For love can conquer hate, as they would find,
Two boys, once enemies, now intertwined.

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