Festival of Dragons - Golden Version 1

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Hey - talking
'Hey' - thought
Hey - viewing
Hey - information

The screen lights up with the data books symbol as it slowly fades to black only for it to come back on showing the universe

RUBY: The universe is starting guys!!!

WEISS: Ruby you dolt calm down now!

RUBY: Sorry weiss im just excited

Yang sat on her bed, and stretched lazily, her mane of goldilocks covering most of her face. She stared around, to see Ruby sleeping soundly. She grew up quite a lot since the Grimm War, her hair now reaching the middle of her back, her body fully developed (but not as curvy as Yang's) and much of her innocence lost. The blonde was just glad her sister still had her positive attitude towards everything, and some of her more endearing traits remained.

Yang looks at ruby with worry for her sister while the both of them look at the older ruby on screen with wide eyes

WEISS & BLAKE: the...grimm war???

The both of them questioned at the thought of a war

RUBY: i......i look just like mom in her team picture yang

YANG: yeah you.... do ruby

WEISS: is noone going to talk about the fact that we fought in a war?

BLAKE: i have to agree with weiss here guys

YANG: yeah your right though but why would anyone want to start a war for no reason

With ruby nodding here head in agreement with yang

WEISS: i dont know yang

BLAKE: same
The brawler jumped down from her bunker bed, now real bunker beds since the rebuild of Beacon, and because headmistress Goodwitch refused to allow them to endanger their lives with improvised bunkers. Blake stirred on her bed, gave the blonde one half opened eye stare and returned to her slumber. The Faunus girl stopped wearing her bow, and had cut her hair to neck length, a 'sign of change and new beginnings', she explained to her partner. Yang was happy they solved their differences, especially after tagging up to beat the crap out of Adam.

BLAKE: i killed adam with yangs help?!

The look of shock and horror on blake's face as she said that is understandable

RUBY: miss goodwitch is now headmaster of beacon!!!

YANG: blake are you ok

Yang put a hand on blake shoulder

BLAKE: yes im fine yang just in shock i guess

YANG: i guess this is a shocking experience then huh

RWB: that was a bad pun and you know it yang!!
Yang grabbed her prosthetic arm and put it in place, the usual sting of the neural connection bothering her for just a second. It was the newest model, courtesy of Winter Schnee CEO of the SDC after their crook of a father got threw in prison after it was revealed his hand at many crimes. Winter said it was a thank you gift for protecting her little sister, but Weiss was a woman now, fully able to defend herself. And Yang had to admit, her personality flaws took a backseat with the girl, and she was mostly enjoyable to be around now.

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