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Hey - talking
'Hey' - thought
Hey - viewing
Hey - information

The light flicker on and off rapidly it suddenly stops before a portal opens up above with four new chairs is up from the floor as it drops four well know people to team rwby. As each person lands in a chair though the last person falls head first with the arm rest of their chair.


????2: Qrow are you all right?

Qrow: Im fine Tai my face will be sore due to my landing but I'll be fine

Tai: Thats good then qrow

????3: students please explain whats going on here

????4: indeed i would like to know as well

Yang/Ruby: dad!/uncle qrow!

Tai/Qrow: Yang!/Ruby!

Weiss: miss goodwitch!

Blake: professor Ozpin!

Ozpin: Students

Glynda: Miss schnee can you explain what's going on here

Weiss was about to speak before knight cleared their voice to get everyones attention on him.

KNIGHT: I beleive i can explain to all our new guests so why dont the rest of you use the restroom

A few minutes of explaining and giving them their own tablets with showing them the past universe, while showing them how to summon their own food and drinks

Ozpin: this is quite interesting indeed but i feel we'll learn about many things here

Glynda: i still find this an massive waste of time Professor ozpin

Ozpin: give it a chance glynda

Glynda: fine

The screen lights up with the next data books symbol as it slowly fades to black only for it to come back on showing the universe. with a breaded man on screen in a plaid shirt and a camo hat.


Today we're talking about the loudest
aircraft of all time.

Yang: i mean how loud are we talking about ear bleeding loud or your going to be deaf loud

Blake: i hate how you have to categories for being loud

Yang: those two categories are for when ruby sees a new weapon she's never seen before

Qrow: believe us kid the pipsqueak packs quite the same lungs on she sees a new weapon

Tai: qrow and yang are telling the truth kid ruby does scream quite loudly when seeing new weapons just like her mother

rwby watches the multiverse (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now