Multiverse Theater

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Hey guys this is going to be a complete rewrite of my RWBY watches the multiverse, mostly due to me wanting to do better then when I wrote this story at this point in time. And so I can make more interactions between the characters.

So I hope to see you all at the end of this bye guys!!!

"What" = normal speech
'What' = thought speech
[What] = communication speech
"What" = monitor speech
'What' = monitor thought speech
What = Viewing speech

The Breach, as it was being called on the news, had been stopped by the students of Beacon, and the Atlas Expeditionary Forces led by General Ironwood. Everyone was celebrating the victory. As team rwby walks into their dorm room there's a bright flash in their doorway as they past though it and end up in some kind of library of a grand scale.

"Uh.....hey guys dont want to alarm you but this isn't our room?" Yang says as she points out what looks to be a futuristic library that make everything they've ever seen look poor in comparison.

"I dont think there are any place on remnant like this place. That I've ever heard of before." Blake replies as she looks around at all the books on each shelf, with everone of them are glowing with one or multiple colors at the same time.

"I agree with Blake here guys and Ruby please for the sake of Oum dont touch anything." Weiss says as she looks around as well and noting that the shelves go up a thousand feet or more high, while also noticing that everything looked matelic in natura. With what looked like more advanced holoscreens and no exit sign for that matter.

While the other three member of team RWBY were looking around, no one noticed that Ruby was messing with a holoscreen display to what looked like a massive tv screen. Until it was to late to stop her from setting anything off. After messing with a holoscreens keyboard for a few minutes, alarms suddenly go off loudly. Causing all of team RWBY to clutch their ears in pain especially Blake. During this four turrets raised out of the floor and shot all of them with weird purple electricity with the alarms stopping, that turned into circular bindings around their arms and legs, causing them to fall down onto the floor.

"Ruby what the hell did you do!!!" Weiss yelled out at Ruby as she and the rest of the team gave Ruby sour looks, while on the floor.

"Ruby, you dolt what the hell did you do!!!" Weiss yelled out at Ruby as she and the rest of the team gave Ruby sour looks, while on the floor.

"Hehehehe sorry guys all I did was mess with one of those srceens keyboard." Ruby says in an embarrassed tone as she looks away from her team, even though she is not physically facing them.

"Don't worry guys I got this, all I have to do is breakout of these bindings. Then I'll free all of you from yours." Yang says in confidence as she tries to breakout of her bindings, but she couldn't break whatever they were made cause each time she tired to breakout of it got tighter. "Sorry guys it looks like I can't break whatever this stuff is made of." Yang says in an apologetic tone of voice as she looks to Weiss and Blake.

"That's fine Yang, we'll figure some way out of this in time." Blake replies with Weiss also agreeing, as Blake looks around for something to help them in this situation. With the rest of the team joining her in looking for something to help them from where they can see.

During their searching for something to get them out of their bindings they miss a portal opening up in the room, due to the fact that the portal opened up in a spot where they can't physically see do to their positions on the floor. Out of the portal comes out a silver drone with blue lights on it's body.

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