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Hey - talking
'Hey' - thought
Hey - viewing
Hey - information

A bright light appears and suddenly engulfs the entire room for what seemed like a few seconds when the bright light disappears. Leaving the occupants in a new more comfier room that looks like it was a fancy movie theater, with chairs that can turn into Mini beds due to qrow's chair falling all the way back into bed mode.

Qrow: i didnt do this on purpose guys

Glynda: of course not qrow you finding out the chairs turn into a bed was most likely caused by your semblance

Tai: Plus its nice a Discovery too qrow now if any of us needs a small nap we can turn our chairs into a bed

Qrow: i still believe my semblance did this to me here tai

Ozpin: calm down all of you, glynda why dont you go and have yourself some tea okay?

Glynda: fine i'll go get myself some tea to calm down ozpin

Glynda looks around the room and sees a sign on the wall that says kitchen with her getting up and leaving to the kitchen to make herself some lavender tea.

Ruby: hey knight why did the room change?

KNIGHT: i decide to move us all to a more comfier room instead of the data chamber that we were all in earlier

Ruby: wait i thought that was the main hud for this place?

KNIGHT: no miss rose that was just a small data chamber due to the multiverse being infinite and scale I have many data Chambers to help keep track of everything in this hub

Ruby: oh thats cool but do we all have to sleep in this room together though?

KNIGHT: no miss rose there are individual rooms for each of you just look for your symbol on the door

Ruby: oh ok and thank you knight

KNIGHT: your welcome Miss Rose

Yang: well at least we have our own rooms here right guys?

Blake: i would like to have my own room again

Weiss: i agree with blake on this and yes yang it would be wonderful to have a room to myself again

Tai: so knight what are we reacting to now?

KNIGHT: we're going to be watching a world were nora caused a accident with dust

Glynda: what did miss Valkyrie do this time and how bad was the damage?

KNIGHT: let's just say that it was explosive and one of your students was changed due to it

Glynda just sighs and shakes her head with ozpin rubbing her back in slow motions to help her calm down

The screen lights up with the next data symbol as it slowly fades to black only for it to come back on showing the universe. Showing a normal hallway in front of a classroom.

story by the unknown plague

It was a be autiful day outside birds singing, sun shining on days like this it was going to be great da-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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