Chapter 2

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Yor Tohru Lucoa Ilulu and Elma are now in the harem

Izuku can be seen outside in his monster form fighting a vampire. Behind him was a shadow clone of himself standing in front of Toriel Asriel Ralsei and Flowey.

 Behind him was a shadow clone of himself standing in front of Toriel Asriel Ralsei and Flowey

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Izuku runs at the vampire and stabs it in the heart killing it the absorbing it. He walks back to the girls with Ralsei jumping on him and kissing him.

Ralsei: "Our hero"

Izuku: "Your welcome girls. We must go inside. I have to eat before I drive Momo to pick up the others for the entrance exam"

They walked inside and to the dining table to see Momo Yor and a few other monsters. They were all Izuku's girlfriends that he was happy to be with. Izuku and the others sat at the table with the chef bringing breakfast.

Izuku: "Thank you"

They ate and afterwards Momo got ready for the entrance exam. She walked outside to see Izuku open the door to a limousine for her. She runs up kisses his cheek and hops in. He closes the door and drives to each of the other girls's houses. Once they were all there he drove them to UA. He walked in with them and stood at the door when they took their test. Once they finished he walked them to the auditorium. Per their request he sat with them. Once everyone arrived Present Mic began talking about the physical test. None of it was useful to Izuku so he decided to catch up on sleep.

His nap was then ruined by a blue hair with glasses and a stick up his ass. (I'm gonna be honest I like Iida I know we turn him into a jerk but his canon character we like right? I do I think Iida is a great guy just not in fanfiction)

Iida: "You sleeping there. How dare you not take this seriously all of us have worked hard to be here and you sit there sleeping"

Mina: "Hey stick up you're ass he's not part of it he's my friend's bodyguard and he's our boyfriend so watch how you talk to him"

Izuku: "Thank you Mina. Clearly you are also taking this lightly by looking at other people and not focusing on yourself. Mind your business"

He turned around frustrated for how he talked to him. Present Mic finished and they were sent to their training grounds. Izuku gave his girls kisses for good luck. He followed Mic to the viewing room. He walked in and stood next to Nezu.

Izuku: "Greetings Nezu"

Nezu: "Hello Izuku glad to see your girlfriends ready. I'm assuming you'll also be here"

Izuku: "Where ever they go I go sir"

Nezu: "Let's get this started"

They watched as students began to run in. Izuku watched his girls destroy robots and help people with ease. Another boy also caught his eye. He had was creating explosions from his hands and using them to fly in the air.

Izuku: "Nezu who is that boy there"

Nezu: "Ah that's Katsuki Bakugo. His quirk produces an explosive sweat that he activates. He shows great potential he has aced all of the pre-tests and the written portion of this one"

Izuku was impressed and hoped to one day talk to him. Nezu had then released the zero pointers and they caused a lot of damage to the fake city. He looked at Ochako and Mina and Ochako had fallen with Mina trying to help her but they were to slow.

Izuku: "Nezu stop the robot"

Nezu: "I can't it's not doing anything"

Izuku disappeared and reappeared behind Ochako and Mina as the zero pointer's foot came down only for Izuku to one hand catch it. The girls looked back to see him. He winked and punched up and it went a few feet in the air. Izuku then teleported in the air and grabbed the zero pointer by the head denting it. Izuku then moves his hand up and slammed it on the ground creating a barrier to stop wind pressure and debris from hitting students. He floated towards Ochako and Mina and picked Ochako up bridal style even though he had already healed her leg.

Ochako: "Izuku set me down I'm fine"

Izuku: "No"

He carried her meeting up with the others and then leaving. Once they got to the mansion he opened the door for them when Ochako grabbed his neck tie and pulled him with the girls and the others to the bedroom. Ochako then pushed him on to the bed. Tsu was already on and pulled his head to her thighs.

Ochako: "We've waited years for this"

Izuku watched as they began to strip to nothing. Tsu and the monsters were in heat with hearts in their eyes. Tsu leaned down and kissed him and they begin their night of satisfaction.

This is your King of The Nine Hells Zarodar. See you sinners later.

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