Chapter 13

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We go into Izuku's bedroom where his harem and kids are but him no where to be seen. Eri had woken up and did not see him. She crawled out of the bed and exited the room. She goes to the kitchen in the dorm and sees Izuku but he was different. His skin and body showed the same flesh as his monster king form his head and arms covered by the fridge door. She watched as he was eating food out of the fridge like an animal.

Eri: "Papa"

Izuku stopped and his head poked above the door and stared at her with no eyes but a monstrous mouth. He closed the fridge and walked towards her on all fours like he's Gollum from Lord of The Rings (I didn't read the books I've only watched all three extended movies very recently with my dad) he then stood in front of her but she was scared.

Izuku saw the fear and backed away from her. Eri could feel that it was still him. She then walked towards him a small bit and reached her hand out to him. He reached forward and laid his hand on hers. The door to the bedroom then opened and Izuku jumped backwards onto a wall as Mirko walked out.


Eri: "Mama bunny it's papa"

Mirko: "Izuku? W-what happened to him"

Eri: "I don't know"

Mirko: "Izuku it's me Rumi you do recognize me right"

He hissed at her.

Monster Izuku: distorted voice "You stay away from her"

Mirko: "Izuku please it's me you know me. I'm your a. Eri cover your ears. I'm your bouncing bunny with thicc thighs"

Monster Izuku: "Thiiiighs"

Izuku crawled down from the wall. As soon as he got close to her she pinched a nerve in his neck making him fall asleep.

Eri: "What did you do to papa"

Mirko: "Sleeping nerve pinch but he'll be fine"

They woke up the rest of the family and saw Izuku still different.

Yor: "We need to call the monsters. Anybody got Slender's number"

Malo: "I got it"

She snapped her fingers and Slender and Sally appeared.

Slender: "Woah hey"

Malo: "Something's wrong with Izuku"

He turns and looks at Izuku as he's still asleep.

Slender: "Oh dear. This is not good"

Alas: "Will papa be ok"

Slender: "Izuku is fine but he really did truly accept for what he is"

Mina: "What do you mean"

Slender: "He's accepted that he's a monster it's because of this AFO couldn't take his quirk. He's allowed his quirk to change him into what he feared. His quirk is no longer a quirk but the power of the new King of Monsters. As for this. This is the monster trying to take over. It's a good thing you knocked him out because the monster was mostly in control but his love for all of you remained which is why Eri is not dead"

Yor: "What do we do"

Sally: "The only thing we can do is wait. Inside his head he is fighting his new monster self. They need to reach peace with the other to coexist in one body"

They looked at Izuku as he began to sweat and twitch. We go into his head as he just landed on the ground being thrown by MI (Monster Izuku). Izuku rolled to the left as one of the flesh tentacles in the shape of a hammer came down. Izuku got up and ran at MI dodging more until MI sent fire at him which he blocked with a rock shield only for it to break sending him back.

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