Chapter 5

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Well you all chose Izumi X Shoka. So I've gone back and edited more of the previous chapter.

Izuku can be seen getting out of bed with all his girlfriends still asleep with no clothes on and him neither. He floated out and made clothes float towards him and walks towards the shower and felt arms wrap around him being Toriel Asriel Ralsei and Flowey's.

The 4: "Fuck us hard daddy~"

Izuku had a quickie with them in the shower leaving them there and waking up the rest of the girls and then hoping in a shower. He then make shadow clones and makes them go to the kitchen to make breakfast. He walks towards his sister's room that she also shares with Shoka.

He knock on the door softly.

Izuku: "Izumi. Shoka. You up"

He heard no response and walked in. He looked at the bed to see both of them snuggled together. He went to their drawers and pulled out clothes for them to wear. He then got on the wall next to them and nudges Izumi awake.

Izuku: "Izumi it's time to get up"

Izumi: half asleep "Good morning Onii-Chan"

Shoka: half asleep "I'm not your brother"

Izumi: "No he's on the wall there"

Their eyes shot open to see Izuku crouched on the wall.

Izuku: "Morning. Get up and get changed breakfast will be ready soon"

Izumi: "Why are you in my room"

Izuku: "To wake you up"

Izumi: "But we could have been- been- been naked"

Izuku: "Yes you could have but I would have looked away. Speaking of which. If you both have sex please give me the sheets so I may clean them"

Shoka: "Why did you say that so casually"

Izuku: "Because I do it for our bed and did it for Momo's bed when we weren't dating and she fantasized about me. It's nothing weird it's normal for couples to do this"

Izumi: "I guess that makes sense"

Izuku: "Plus with those two shit heads gone it's now my job to take care of you. Same with you Shoka as I already see you as my sister in law. Now let's go"

Izuku leaves the room as Izumi and Shoka go into their own shower.

Shoka: "That was odd"

Izumi: "But it makes sense he hasn't seen me in 15 years so I can't imagine he wouldn't miss me"

They get changed and go to the lobby room. They sat down and thanked Izuku. Izumi sat next to Izuku with Shoka.

Izumi: "Onii-chan can I ask you a question"

Izuku: "Sure"

Izumi: "Did you ever watch me while you were gone"

Izuku: "Yes. When I dropped off the girls at school I would fly to you and watch from afar to make sure you got to school safe and sound. I would also sneak into the house at night and make lunches for you as well as look at your notes and add or fix them. I wanted to make sure you were prepared"

Izumi: "Aww thanks"

Iida: "Izuku did you really do this"

Izuku: "Yes"

Iida: "I don't think you can do that"

Izuku: "Iida our parents hated me because of my quirk that gives me the powers of a monster. They feared I would turn into one of them and still expressed their fear yesterday. They kicked me out for something no one has control over"


AFO: "*sneezes* ooh someone's mentioned me"

Back to UA.

Izuku: "They deserve to rot in prison. And if it were my choice die. It's what they get after keeping me away from my little sister"

Everyone: 'He's really taking on the big brother role'

Aizawa then walked in and sat in a chair off the table.

Aizawa: "Good you're all not ditching your morning schedule"

Izuku: "Would have if not for me. But the boys woke up themselves"

Aizawa: "Good. I'm here to tell you that during this week your goal is to train. The training facilities will be open to you all day for the week. Oh and Izuku can't help you train for the week"

Girls except Izumi and Shoka: "Awww"

Izuku: "I've been helping you girls train everyday when I started staying with you. Time to do it yourself"

For the next week they trained while Izuku just went around town killing villains and monsters. At this point he's just unstoppable. His strength rivals Nana. His power is beyond everyone's. Izuku also spent some time with Izumi and they got to know each other better. One time when Izuku Izumi and Shoka were out a guy tried hitting on them.

Guy: "Hey girls why don't you come have fun with me. I'm definitely bigger than this guy"

Izuku: "Buddy this is my sister"

Izumi: "And this is my girlfriend dumbass"

Guy: "I'm a lesbian too I like girls"

Izuku: "Buzz off guy before I make you"

Guy: "Haha as if you can fight me I'll kick your ass and take these girls for myself because they'll be so impressed with me"

Izuku turned into his monster form then back to human.

Izuku: "You sure you wanna do that"

The man tried to throw a punch but Izuku snapped his arm. Izuku then went to his face.

Izuku: "Don't think I know who you are. You're the guy that's been attracting women then killing them after sex. Not gonna happen"

Izuku jabbed his hand through his chest then left him there as they walked away.

This is you King of The Nine Hells Zarodar. See you sinners later

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