Chapter 12

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It's been a couple days since they started training at the training camp. Izuku isn't seen that often as he is always playing poker with the monsters or having sex with the others. Right now he was playing poker with the monsters and Eri Alas the maids Susie Sans Kristine and Beros. Eri and Alas share a hand.

Izuku pushes his chips in which the others also do to. He then lays his cards flat on the table.

Izuku: "Read em and weep boys and girls"

Eri: "Not so fast papa"

They lay down a royal flush and Izuku was shocked.

Izuku: "Well done girls"

They push all the chips towards them and hug it. Slenderman then leans down to him.

Slender: "You altered the deck so they'd win"

Izuku: "Guilty"

Alas: "We're rich"

Izuku: "We already were rich girls"

Eri: "But this is our money so we're rich"

Izuku: "Unfortunately by law children can't bet on poker and take the money but I'm not the police. We can cash it in then you spend it how you want. But not before asking me ok girls"

Both: "Ok papa"

Izuku took the chips and put them into a bank account. The other monsters then left and they went back to the others to see them still training. Izuku looked at his watch as it was five minutes till noon so he and the maids went to the kitchen to begin lunch.

After lunch they continued training until after dinner. Now the pussycats were in front of them.

Ragdoll: "Since you all have been working so hard we decided to play a game"

They began to play the game which was a horror game so Izuku didn't let Eri and Alas go in. Suddenly Izuku smelled something. Something further in the forest. Then Slender came out of the forest with Sally in her arms both hurt.

Izuku: "Slender Sally what happened"

Slender: "Ambushed. Villains. Hurt Sally"

Izuku looked at her and examined her. Her arm was broken and she has many cuts. Izuku waved his hand and they were healed.

Izuku: "Ragdoll locate the students. You Madalay and Aizawa will go after them. Everyone else stay here and shelter"

Eri: "Papa what's happening"

Izuku: "Everything is fine girls. Go with mama bunny and mama dragon ok they'll protect you"

Izuku grew giant black tentacles on his back and marched into the forest as Mirko and Ryukyu grabbed the girls and ran away to a bunker nearby with Slenderman and Sally next to them.

Izuku got into the forest and changed into a snake to sneak around. He spotted some villains and hid around a tree. They were talking about how they were going to capture his kids. He was about to attack when Madalay used her quirk to contact him.

Madalay: 'Izuku. It's Kota I can't find him'

Izuku looked towards a mountain and saw him there but also another figure approaching him. Izuku launched himself towards them and punched the figure into the mountain. He used extra arms to grab Kota and jumped back as the figure rose from the ruble.

Muscular: "Hehe well isn't it my birthday cause I just got the best gift. The Scavenger. How I've dreamed of killing you. Any monster that came my way I killed. Now I get to kill you and a brat"

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