Chapter 4

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After the first day of UA they had moved into the dorms with Izuku and his family getting a shared room. You might be wondering who that mystery girl was. Well that's his sister Izumi Midoriya. She had actually asked Izuku during the last two months to help her with training and studies. He said yes and didn't show any sign of knowing her.

We see everyone in class with Izuku in the back standing next to Momo in the corner. Aizawa then comes in.

Aizawa: "Alright listen up today after lunh we're gonna take a litle field trip. We are going the the USJ aka the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. Another teacher will meet us there so we can find out where your quirks are most usfull and least usfull in different cenarios. Is that clear"

Students: "Yes sir"

They walked ou to lunch getting food. Meanwhile Izuku was outside dealing with a monster that had entered the grounds.

We see Izuku in his monster form and fighting said monster in front of the cafeteria.

We see Izuku in his monster form and fighting said monster in front of the cafeteria

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Everyone watched as he punched the monster into the trees. It then emerged back out angry.

 It then emerged back out angry

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Izuku: "Lets do this you mut"

The monster charged at Izuku and bit his arm off only for it to regenerate. Izuku grabbed it's throat and choke slammed it then stabbed it's heart. Izuku then could hear alarms going off and watched all the students panic. Izuku teleported inside and saw the girls gone and stuck in the wave of students. Izuku then froze them all where they stood. He pulled the girls out. Then he lined up the students with their class. They were all concious during this.

Izuku: "I have to say this is very dissapointing to see. Especially of the third years and second years. Pathetic. You hear a alarm and immidietly panic and try to run. If this is how the future heroes are then we have no hope of survival. You will WALK to your classrooms in an orderly fashion"

Izuku unforze them and they did as told. Izuku flew to Nezu to see that the gate was destroyed.

Nezu: "Izuku do you know what could have done this"

Izuku: "It could have been the monster I killed but there are countless more that could have done the same. But another creaure entered the building but swiftly left. Im not quite sure where they were and they were gone to fast for me to even try and track its location"

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