Chapter 9

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Today was the day for the final exams. For the past week they have been training nonstop while Izuku has been spending time with his daughters. Izuku is currently seen with Eri and Alas on the couch watching TV shows. Suddenly Eri sneezed and apon sneezing she shot out an ice spike at the TV breaking it. Izuku looked at Eri as she sniffled.

Izuku then touched Eri's head and could see that she was part monster. Specifically an ice golem.

Eri: "Papa what happened"

Izuku: "Eri you are part monster. You have a monster ancestor of a snow golem. Now Snowball really fits you as a nickname"

Alas: "What about me papa"

Izuku placed his hand on top of Alas and could feel metal golem dna.

Izuku: "You have Metal golem dna. Cmon I can teach you all about them"

They made their way to the gym.

Izuku: "Now Eri. With snow Golems they can control all forms of cold. Like snow and ice. Go ahead and stick out your hands and think of a snowball"

Eri held out her hands thinking about a snowball and some snowflakes appeared swirling around her palm and a snowball appeared.

Eri: "Woah. It doesn't feel cold though"

Izuku: "That's because you have a cold resistance better than humans. If you wanted to you could go to Antarctica and swim in the water without getting frost bite. And Alas you have a heat resistance. You can control metal and even use surrounding metal to forge whatever you want"

Izuku began training them more to use their powers. By the end of the day Eri had the same skill level as Elsa and managed to learn to use her powers to fight and fly. While Alas is able to control metal and even made swords and daggers. They head back to the dorms where the harem Izumi and Shoka were waiting.

Izuku: "Girls you won't believe this. Eri and Alas have monster dna in them"

Girls: "What"

Izuku: "Yeah. Eri has snow golem powers and Alas has metal golem powers"

Mina: "That explains the icicle in the tv"

Izumi: "That's so cool"

Izuku: "Eri you could learn from your auntie Shoka how to use your ice powers. Alas I can keep teaching you how to use your powers"

Both: "Yay"

Later they can be seen outside in front of a building. The teachers then walk up to the front with Izuku in his monster form. Izuku could see that Katsuki's suit changed a bit.

Izuku: "So does it work Bakugo"

Bakugo: "Yeah made me 100x better than the rest of these extras"

Izuku: "What did we say Bakugo"

Bakugo: grumbles "They're not extras. They are people and I'm not the center of the world"

Izuku: "There we go"

Nezu: "If you're done talking we will begin. Today is your final exams. You will be assigned a teacher then will all face against Izuku. And your only goal for him is to survive 15 minutes. Because defeating him is quite impossible. For the rest of us you will be given quirk cancellation cuffs. You have two ways to pass. Either A: place the cuffs on us or B: run like a coward to the exit"

Students: 'Why did he say it like we should be ashamed of ourselves'

They began the exams. Izuku's harem passed and now we go to Izumi and Katsuki vs Nana.

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