|Meeting Pt. 2|Art The Clown

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Dedicated to: BloodMaple

I awoke to silence, besides a ringing in my ear. I sat up and hunched over. I rubbed my eyes then sat up straight, my back cracking in the process. I relaxed my shoulders before looking around the car. It was empty. So were the streets. I would have guessed I was in a horror movie if I didn't know this was real life. I tried to open the trunk, but it had been locked. I sucked in my stomach and crawled over the back seats, my body barely fit through, however. I squeezed through and basically scorpioned on my way down. I cursed myself as I moved around the small space, trying to regain an upright position. I brushed my hair back as I sat back in the chair, questioning my life choices.

"I swear to God, if they forgot I was in there and left without me, I'm going to kill them." I mumbled. I unlocked the door I was closest to and stumbled out of the car. I looked around for any sign of my friends (or any life at all) but it was surprisingly still. Dawn must've parked in bum-fuck nowhere because there weren't even little Satan-spawns running around demanding candy from crusty old sacks of skin and bones, nor were there any parties happening. I sighed and dragged my hand down my face. I then saw a door that was slightly opened in front of what looked to be an old warehouse.

'There's no way they would be stupid enough to go in there.' I thought to myself. 'Oh wait- one of them is drunk and the other goes along with anything. Great. I get stuck with the worst people possible in this situation.' I rubbed the side of my head and walked up to the door. I gave a small knock before opening the door and walking inside. I stuck my head out the door and looked around for any coppers. None. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding as I continued my free tour of this not-creepy-at-all building.

I closed the door behind me and put my hands behind my back. I whistled a simple tune and walked around. "Hellooooo?" I called out, my voice bouncing off the walls as if it were a ball. "TARA???" I yelled louder. My heart jumped as did the rest of my body when a gunshot echoed throughout the building. The way I was paniking, I must've looked like a cat that had just seen a cucumber. If there is an audience of ghosts, they're most likely laughing their asses off. I ran to where I heard the gunshot, or at least, where I thought I heard the gunshot; it was hard to distinguish where the echo was coming from.

I entered a small room and was hit with a horrid metal-like odor. I breathed through my mouth though it wasn't much help. I could taste the shit in the back of my throat. I continued through the room into the next. I stared at the sight in front of me. A body of a women was hanging upside down, completely naked. She was cut straight down the middle, only stopping just below her head. Welp. I'm not sleeping tonight. I almost passed out from shock and the smell. Good God, the smell. I slowly walked out of the room before I threw up.

"Jesus Christ." I whispered as I kept walking away. The smell died down, pun intended, and I was finally able to breathe normally. Sadly, my attempts to not puke my brains out were useless. I bent over and did just that. My organs left my body and my brains quickly left afterwards. I felt a bit woozy as I stepped away from my mess. Now all I could taste AND smell was the shit on the floor. I quickly got away from the area. I'm not cleaning that up. Good luck to anyone that finds that.

It felt like I was walking through a maze as I made my way through the building. Walking around after throwing up wasn't the best idea I've had tonight. My legs felt like noodles and I knew I was going to lose the ability to move soon. I sat down on the ground somewhere. I heard a scream close to me.

"Fucking hell." I mumbled before standing up again. I leaned against the wall before walking towards the scream. I walked into a garage looking place. I heard more screams and cautiously looked around. I kept looking behind me. I may be dumb and drunk but I am NOT going to get jumped in this sketchy ass building. I walked around a car and saw an amazing sight. You may not be able to hear it, but I am using all the sarcasm in my body.

Anyways, I saw the clown from earlier on top of a women. His fingers were in her eye sockets and blood was quickly covering her face. Not only am I not going to get sleep tonight, I'm going to be shitting bricks for the next week. After the women's cries and screams were silenced, the clown looked up, a shocked expression when he saw me. I cursed myself for not being able to move as I stared at him and his... lovely... piece of art... I don't know what the fuck to call a dead body laying on the ground with their eyes gouged out. Probably not an art piece, BUT IM FREAKING THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW.

The clown stood up and walked over to me. I could feel the color drain from my face as he got closer to me. He grabbed my hand and his smile widened as he saw the ring still on my finger. I'll be completely honest, I had forgotten I was even wearing that. Thank whatever higher being there is that I didn't take that shit off. The clown reeked of blood and my nose scrunched in disgust. He gave me a confused look and turned his head.

"The smell." I mumbled. He nodded and pulled out a wooden clothes hanger clip- I have no idea what the fuck these things are called, out of nowhere and handed it to me. I gave him a confused look and he pointed to my nose. "Oh." I mumbled. I took the clip and put it on my nose. The clown began to silently laugh and I felt a rush of heat fill my face. God, this was embarrassing. "It was your idea!" My voice came out a little weird and the clown began to laugh harder. I quickly took the thing off my nose and turned to leave. He grabbed my arm and looked confused again.

"It smells disgusting." I spat. He pulled out a cloth from literal thin air and handed it to me. "What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked. He again pointed to my nose. I nodded and held it over my nose. There is either something on this cloth, or it is the worst smelling rag ever. Before I could pull it away from my nose, the clown lunged at me and pushed the cloth against my nose. I screamed and tried to get the fuck away from this psycho, but it was no use. His grip was much stronger than I was and I was now breathing heavy as hell.

I could feel my head becoming cloudy and I soon passed out. Great job Y/n. You just got yourself murked.

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