|Sweetie|Tiffany Valentine

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Mondays. Everyone hates Mondays. One of the biggest reasons is because of Garfield and his iconic hate for the weekday. But it still stands true. It's the first day of the work and school week. The start of a long week.

But you liked Mondays, as weird as it sounds.

You worked at a small, local library. It was never busy, which you liked, but it paid enough for you to pay rent and have money left over. You sat on a cushioned fold out chair reading a graphic novel.

"Excuse me." That voice. As smooth as silk and as beautiful as an angel. You looked up and your eyes were met with the gorgeous woman named Tiffany Valentine. She gave you a warm smile that melted your heart. You quickly stood up, almost tripping over yourself as you set a bookmark in your reading and set the book on your chair. You walked up to the counter and smiled.

"How can I help you Ms. Valentine?" You asked with a friendly tone.

"Oh, you can call me Tiffany, doll." She folded her arms on the counter in front of her and leaned towards me.

"Um, o-okay, Tiffany." You could feel your cheeks start to burn from your nervousness. She came in every Monday and every Monday you were just as much of a nervous wreck. You couldn't help it! She was the most gorgeous woman you'd ever seen in your entire life and she was nice to you! "How can I help you, Tiffany?" You asked, your palms getting sweaty.

"Are there any new romance novels?"

You thought for a moment. A new shipment had arrived that morning and you'd just shelved them.

"Y-yes, there is, would you like me to show you to them?"

"I'd love that, dear." She leaned away from the wooden counter as you made your way around it. You guided her to the 'Adult Section' of the library and led her down one of the aisles. You pointed at the new books and she smiled. "Thanks for the help." She spoke in her cheery voice.

"Let me know if you need anything else." Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. You walked back to your chair, pulling at your collar. 'Is it just me, or is it really hot in here?' You asked yourself as you let out a deep breath. You legs felt like noodles as you wobbled your way behind the counter. You grabbed your graphic novel and sat down, opening it to the marked page, and continuing to read.

You were soon swept back into the world of your story and lost track of time. It was a fantasy-adventure story. You liked the characters and the plot was interesting.


You looked up to see Tiffany. Her finger hovered above the golden bell that sat on the counter.

"Y/n, dear, I'm ready to check out." She grinned as you stood up and walked to her. You took the library card from her hand, scanned it, then scanned the barcode on the back of her three books and handed them back to her.

"There you go." You smiled back at her.

"Do you have a piece of paper laying around?" You nodded and grabbed a small yellow sticky note. You handed it to her and grabbed a pen, also giving it to her. She scribbled down something and handed the sticky note back to you. "Thanks, sweetie." She turned and walked out the door. You looked down at the note in your hand.

Call me ;)

Your face heated up as you read the numbers on the paper.

"Holy moly." You whispered. "I just got a hot chick's number."

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