|Obsession|Danny Johnson

677 18 16

For legal reasons, I have to say that I don't condone stalking so uh, don't be like me

I pushed the quarter into the clear box, opening the small latch door and pulling out a newspaper. An article on a new Ghostface murder having been published, his recent victim being a woman named Lilliana Marsh. My eyes scanned the details of the gory killing. 'In total, she sustained twenty-two stab wounds, signs of strangulation, and a broken wrist. Officer Winters stated, "This tragedy is another attack in the string of killings committed by Ghostface. We still do not have any leads for what his real identity is. The only advice I can give is to stay is to lock your doors."' The article concluded. I silently thanked the writer, Jed Olsen, for being my best source of Ghostface related content.

He had many details that others just didn't own or couldn't find. It was eery the way he knew so much, but that's his job, being a journalist and finding the truth. I walked to my car and drove to my house excited to write down every new detail about Ghostface. I parked my car in my driveway and walked into my house, locking the door and walking to my room.

I pulled out a notebook that I'd been using to compile all of the killer's works. I wrote down the victim's name and printed a picture of the woman, taping it to the corner of the page. I wrote down the injuries, cause of death, the address where it went down, everything. His killings were becoming more frequent and more violent, yet he never missed a beat, kudos to him for never slipping up!

At the bottom of the page, I wrote my theories for the motive behind the killing. I grabbed a purple marker and walked to the small map of the town I had taped to my wall, drawing a small dot on the location of the murder. I tapped the other end of the marker against my chin. The locations seemed so random, but that was most likely the point. Keep the locations random so the police can't track you. 'Smart.' I wrote that down in my notebook. However, it only confused me further.

'Why is he choosing these people? Is there a reason? Does he know them? Is it completely random?' I felt bad for the police force, having to track a killer with no points of connection other than his signature, leaving behind a photo of him pulling the victim's head back. The things I would do to be that lucky. I sighed and sat down on my bed. I looked back over the details. This attack seemed personal, like all the rest, but this time, it felt different. It actually did feel personal.

I pulled out the newspaper and looked again at the article, this time, something caught my eye: the tone of the writing. Olsen seemed biased against the victim, sounding harsh at times. Not only did it seem that Ghostface had a personal beef with the victim, but it also seemed as if Olsen also had a personal grudge against the victim.

"Holy shit." I whispered. "No way, there's just no way." I shook my head. "But...what if...?" I turned on my computer and opened an online discussion board talking about the probable identity of Ghostface. I scrolled through posts and comments, searching and searching for a possibility that someone had the same idea as me. None. HOW IS THERE NOTHING?! How has nobody had this same idea. Because it'd be too obvious? Because there's no concrete proof? Guh, this was frustrating. I did more digging on this Olsen guy.

Turns out, he'd been a reporter and journalist for years before Ghostface came into the spotlight, but he only became a big name when the murders started. Huh, he moved here a few months before the murders actually started, not having too high of a position in the company or much income. There's a potential motive. And hey! There's his home address! And his work address, business email, personal email, all the information I could want. Lovely. I wrote down my newly gained information and memorized the addresses. I also printed out a picture of him and taped it to the page. He's quite handsome, I must say.

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