|Stories|RZ Michael Myers

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Today was your 23rd birthday and you're spending it inside a mental hospital. Your family never visited you, but you don't blame them. From what little you've heard from your doctors, you did something horrible to them. You don't remember it, but then again, you were 12 years old. You try your best to entertain yourself from boredom and loneliness, and it works. Most of the time. You almost always end up talking to yourself or creating fake scenarios in your head.

You shuffled in your bed, stared up at the ceiling, and let out a sigh. You looked over to the door of your room as it unlocked. You sat up when your nurse, Elizabeth, entered. She's the only person you like here.

"Hey, Y/n! A little birdy told me that today is a special day! Happy birthday!" She said and walked towards you. You gave her a confused look as she held something behind her back. She brought her hands forward and showed a plate of cookies and a cup of milk. "I nagged these from the kitchen." She smiled and placed them on a small desk in the corner of the room. You smiled back at her.

"Thanks! Those look good." You walked over to the plate and grabbed a cookie. You took a bite of it and smiled. It was soft and sweet. There was also small chocolate chips in it. "Mmm...that's good." You took a sip of the milk. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Elizabeth said. "I'll check up on you later." She said and walked out of your room. You said a quick goodbye and continued eating the snacks she had brought. When you had finished, you heard sounds of guards and chains outside of the door. You walked over to your door and looked out the small window. In the hallway, there was tall—really tall—man and guards standing by him. You recognized the guards' uniforms as the ones that keep the criminally insane loonies in line. It's funny to think you're in the same building as some of the most dangerous criminals in the town. You hear rumors about the crimes they committed to end up in their cells, but the stories change every time you ask.

You wish you remember what you did to get in here. It's dumb that everyone refuses to tell you what you did. It couldn't have been that bad.

You then turned your attention back to the tall man that was closer to your cell. You'd never seen him before.

"Must be a new guy." You said to yourself. 'I'll ask him what he did at lunch.' They quickly walked through the hallway and disappeared through a door at the end. Moments later, you saw Elizabeth walking to your door. You smiled and walked to your bed. You sat down and waited. Your door opened and Elizabeth walked in. "Hey~" You waved at her. "I saw a new guy in the hall, who was he?" Elizabeth looked a little surprised.

"Oh, his name's Michael Myers, have you heard of him?" She asked. A few things in your brain clicked.

"I remember hearing something about him." You got a look of confusion on your face. "Wait, didn't he get here when he was a kid?"

"They recently moved him to this section of the building." Elizabeth explained. You nodded. "Halloween is next week, are you excited?" She asked with a smile on her face, trying to change the subject.

"Not really. It sucks that I have to stay in my room and I can't trick or treat." You said with a frown. Elizabeth nodded in understanding.

"I'll see if I can get some scary movies for you, we could watch them together, if you'd like." Elizabeth smiled. Your frown quickly disappeared and was replaced with a large grin. Your eyes sparkled.

"Really? I'd love that!" You said quickly.

"Alrighty! It's settled. Horror movie marathon to celebrate Halloween." She said. You silently celebrated. She checked a watch on her arm and looked back up to you. "It's time for lunch, do you want to eat inside or outside?" She asked.


"Okay." You stood up and walked to the woman. She slipped a pair of handcuffs out of her pocket and gently slid them around your wrists.

"Why do I have to wear these? It's not like I'm going to do anything." You rolled your eyes.

"Just safety precautions, you know this." She replied. You groaned.

"Can I get moved outta here so I don't gotta wear 'em?" You whined as you were led out of your room.

"But that'd mean no more seeing me and that means no movies." Elizabeth gave you an exaggerated pouting face. You rolled your eyes but smiled at her. "I wish I could help you out, but the reason you're here is because of um, what you did." She shivered at the thought.

"But I don't remember what that was!" You whined. "C'mon, can't I get a lawyer or somethin'?" You dropped your head. Elizabeth sighed.

"Maybe some day." She gave you a soft, sad smile. "But right now, it's time for you to get some food."

"Cookies are food."

"Some actually nutritious food." She pushed open the door to the cafeteria and you walked to the lunch ladies, grabbing some food and putting it on a tray.

"Thank you!" You flashed them a smile. The two older women smiled back. Elizabeth joined your side once more as she led you outside. You began walking to your usual table before stopping. Sitting a few tables over was Michael Myers. Before your nurse could protest, you skipped to the table. A smile gleamed on your face as you sat across from him.

"Hey, kid? The hell do you think you're doing?" One of the guards standing next to Michael stepped forward and put a hand on the table, leaning closer to you.

"Eating lunch." You glared. 

"Not over here, you're not. Go somewhere else." 

"No." You ate a small portion of your food, not breaking eye contact with the man. "So, your name's Michael Myers, right?" You looked at the long haired man, now paying the guard no attention. The guard scoffed. 

"He doesn't talk, dumbass." The guard pushed off the table and leaned back, noticeably ticked off. 

"Well, I see why he doesn't talk to you." You muttered and rolled your eyes, eating again.

"What was that, nutcase?" The guard asked. 

"I said you look like a skinned squirrel who sat in the sun too long, lobster lookin' ass." You spat at him. He grabbed you by the collar of your shirt and pulled you over the table.

"The fuck you say to me?" You could feel the anger radiating from him.

"Jimmy! C'mon man! Just don't pay attention to him!" The other guard looked young, far younger than the one that currently held you in his grasp. Guard #2 looked in his early twenties while 'Jimmy' looked in his mid-40s. 

"Listen to your buddy over there, Jimmy." You said his name in a sort of babying tone. You smirked at him. You heard the tap of worried steps as a woman appeared beside you. 

"Hey! What's going on here?" Elizabeth's terrified voice filled your ear. Her hand rested on your shoulder.

"Fuck off, skank." Jimmy sneered. Elizabeth gasped. Your brows furrowed. You didn't care if he insulted you, you hardly counted his base level words to be insults, but disrespecting Elizabeth like that was off limits. You wrapped your hand around your fork sitting on the table and in the blink of an eye, embedded the plastic into the man's neck. His eyes shot wide open as he threw you, making you land on your butt. You whined as you stood back up, rubbing your behind. 

"You're paying for my medical bills." Your eyelids lowered as you grinned at the man bleeding on the ground. The younger guard held him up and screamed for help. Elizabeth pulled you away by your arm, dragging you back to your room. 

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