Lay your tears onto thy sword.

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When I was at home, I was getting ready to meet up with Stan.

"Where are you going big brother?" I heard Ike call out to me as he opened my door.

"Out to the park with Stan. If Ma and father are asleep, could you tell them for me when they're awake or something? I don't wanna wake them up." I smiled softly. It was only 5pm. But I know how sleepy Ma gets.

"Oke!" Ike said happily as he ran back down stairs.

As I finished getting ready, walked out the house and started to walk to the park close by, I started thinking of Craig again. Man! Just the way he touched me...I blushed really hard, I pulled my green olive had down to cover my face as I sat down on the park bench, waiting for Stan.

15 mins soon passed.
Then 20.
Then 30.
And then an hour?

Just then, I had gotten a text from Stan. It had read:

SBF STAN: Hey! Sorry Kyle...I won't be coming anymore since I want to hang out with Wendy now. I want more time with her instead, sorry for the long wait I guess.

My heart fell apart as I read that. Wendy? I understand Wendy is more pretty and beautiful...but it doesn't mean you ditch your own SBF for a girl! We've been through everything together...a lot of times now, he's been ditching me for Wendy and the others...I was so mad, I ended up throwing my phone onto the ground hardly, breaking it. I lifted my legs up on the bench and snuggled my head into my knees, wrapping my arms around my legs, crying a fountain in the dark galaxy night ahead of me.

"Quit it... you're acting like a child it annoys me." I heard a softy yet deep voice say to me. I look up with my now puffy and red eyes now to see that it was Craig! Craig Tucker is the one standing in front of me seeing me cry! I put my legs down quickly and wipe the tears off my face and look up at him.

"How long were you there for?" I spoke, embarrassed.

"Just got here." He spoke again. He has his hands in his pocket as he sat down, rather close to me. I looked down blushing a bit more.

"Why were you crying." He asked, as he stared at me with his honey eyes, the galaxy stars gleaming bright onto them making his eyes stand out.

"Me and Stan were supposed to be meeting up here right now. But he ditched me for Wendy." I told him, letting a few tears drop down. I felt Craig's hand on my head as he leaned it on his shoulder, putting his hand then on my head to take off my hat and pat me.

"That bitch. You deserve a better friend you know." He said softly, with a bitter taste falling off his tongue. He pat me more and played with every curl in my hair. I blushed a lot, and looked down again.

"I need to give you something back tomorrow morning." Craig told me.

"What is it?" I asked. He stayed quiet, until he asked a question that made me flinch up.

"Are you gay for Stan?". He questioned why looking at me. Why would he ask that! I wasn't!

"No I'm not! Why would you ask that!" I clenched my fist, trying to sound mean but it didn't work.

"First period today, you dropped your diary on the floor and you left it. I may have opened it. I didn't read it all, I had only read, "I like this emo type guy named---" that's all I had read until Clyde yelled out my name to help him with his books in his locker. So I assume it's Stan because you're always with him." I blushed when Craig told me all this! How dare he go through my diary!

"I don't like him! It's someone else now if you would please give my diary back Tomorrow!" I hissed.

"Sure sure." He said while looking forward.

"Promise me u won't read anymore of it."


"Hey I said promise!"

"I promise."

I smiled softly and rested my voice. I couldn't let this boy know I have a crush on him!

After a while, me and Craig were talking about how Stan was being selfish, and we would laugh at the silliest things Craig would say. The way Craig would laugh and smile made the butterflies in my stomach want to burst out and take my heart with it, dancing around screaming: I LOVE YOU TUCKER...!

"Here's my number. Text me whenever you want. I need to go." He smiles softly.

I blushed softly and nodded as he finished putting his number onto a piece of paper and gave it to me and walked away. He knew I broke my phone tho, how would I text him.?

When I had gotten home, I went upstairs into my room, changed clothes and jumped onto my bed. I was really bored and I didn't know what to do. So I decided to think about Craig.

After, I would think about Craig all night long! It was now 2am..was I thinking about him that much...? Other than all that...all that thinking of Craig was taken over by sleep. I fell asleep...


I was at the bus stop talking to Fat ass and Kenny when Stan then showed up. He said hi to all of us, but I just ignored him and at on the bus stop bench.

"What's wrong with the Jew?" Fat ass asked.

"Humph uhpm.. (I dunno..)" I heard Kenny reply.

"Mad at me.". After Stan said that, I couldn't hear anything. I was still upset with him! Just then, the bus came and I went to go sit next to Bebe.

"Hey Bebe!" I smiled at her as I sat down.

"Hi Kyle!" She smiled back. Bebe was a wonderful, cute and sweet girl. It seemed she never cared about how weird someone was in the school she'd still talk to them.

I looked around, I saw Craig sitting at the back with his gang, Clyde and then lot, but he didn't pay attention to them, he was on his phone. He caught me staring and did this lame copy of a smile, it looked bad but I knew he meant well. I giggled at him and just smiled back.

"Hey! Why are you looking at Craig?"

"No reason!" I shrugged it off looking back at Bebe.

"He's so mysterious you know! I feel like he likes Tweek, most people knows Tweek already likes Craig, Craig doesn't know tho, idiot..I always see Tweek around him most of the day!" Bebe stated. Likes Craig? But Craig can only be mine. I love Craig like I love my latinas!

Soon the bus arrived at our destination and me and Bebe parted ways. Stan had tried to talk to me, but I just ignored him and walked into the class.

"Kyle I'm sorry you're being sensitive!" Stan yelled at me.

That word hurt me, was I being sensitive? No..Stan no you're just a bitch. I sat down at my desk while we all waited for our teacher to arrive.

I was then startled by a loud bang on my table! Most people looked at us, even Stan...It was Craig. His hand was on my desk, with it on top of my diary. And he also gave me a small box wrapped in nice paper...

"Thanks for my diary back Craig. But what's this box?" I asked him.

"You will see it when you open it." Craig said with his usual monotone voice, poker face self...and he then walked away to his table. I put the stuff in my bag as the teacher arrived.

This is the end of chapter two! Lay your tears onto thy sword. Hope u guys enjoyed ittt

 Hope u guys enjoyed ittt

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More than a melody. Cryle story! (Craig x Kyle). SOUTH PARK.Where stories live. Discover now