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During Lunch, I was sitting next to the boys and eating my food, while Kenny was throwing little punches onto Cartman as Stan came to sit next to me and asked, "what did Craig give you? Why was he even talking to you?" He questioned.

"Why would you even care? It doesn't matter what he gave me." I answered back, a bitter taste falling out my mouth.

"Because you're my best friend! I will fight Tucker if he's done anything to you...You know he's a bad person and your just gullible!" He spoke louder.

"If I was then maybe you wouldn't keep leaving me and ditching me for some other girl! And calling me sensitive!" Feeling guilt, I yelled back How could Stan say something like that. The yell caused Kenny and Cartman to look at us.

After I finished eating I got up and put my tray away as I went into one of the bathroom stalls to check what was inside the box Craig gave me. I open it up to see a note first and it read:

Dear Kyle, I noticed that you had broken you're phone last night so I decided to buy you a new one. You're welcome!

I blushed at that fact and picked up the smaller box that has the phone inside it and smiled softly. But why would he waste his money on me? He could have bought himself a new phone not me...


Why was Kyle always hanging out with Craig? I swear, after school I will fight Craig. I got up from my seat and went over to Craig and his table and told him, "You and me Craig, we're going to have a problem if you don't stay away from my group." I said as I slammed my hand onto the table.

I walked away trying to look for Kyle, but the bell had rang.


During class, I wondered if Kyle liked the gift I gave him, I would never spend money on someone like that...why Kyle? I didn't notice that I was staring right at Kyle when I was day dreaming, until Stan threw a pencil at me and mouthed to me, "I will beat your ass." He looked back and turned around to listen to the teacher. Who does he think he is? Just because he's charming and has a pretty girl and a super hot best friend doesn't mean he owns the wor- wait...super hot best friend? Why am I talking about Kyle like that! I blushed at the thought and kept my head down on the table fantasizing about Kyle. Just the thought of Kyle actually liking Stan got my blood to boil, next thing I knew, Tweek was pulling at my arm. "What?" I asked him coldly, didn't mean to sound so cold but he knew I meant well.

"GAH!!" Tweek whispered as much as he could, "Are you okay? You seem REALLY.. upset!"

"I'm fine don't worry." As I said that, I swear I saw Tweek blush. Tweek was a cute guy yeh, but I didn't didn't like him. I liked Kyle, wait no I love Kyle..

Am I gay? I'm not gay is just a ....homie thing. (LMAO)

After class, it was the end of the day and I was about to walk through the school gate, before I heard that bitch Stan call out my name.

"Hey Craig!" He called out, as I turned around he was walking fast up to me.

Out of no where he just punched me in my face! I felt my nose and bloodi was trailing down, of course I punched him back! When I punched him hard, she stumbled a bit and tried to get up to punch me again but he missed and kept missing. Punches kept flying, and everyone who was there was cheering. Until Kyle came.

"Hey what are you doing!" Kyle came from behind me and pushed Stan aside, looking at Stan with hatred and then looking at me with a "What's wrong with you?" Type look.

More than a melody. Cryle story! (Craig x Kyle). SOUTH PARK.Where stories live. Discover now