Spending times with a so called foe?

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Craig??? Craig was at the door?? When he saw me his eyes grew wide, but he made a soft smile.

"What brings Mr horny over to my house?" He grinned. My face grew a tomato colour.

"Oh shut it Moron." I say bitterly, "I need a place to stay...The fatass and Kenny completely ditched me plus its way too late." I continued. Craig just moved aside and let me in. His house was pretty neat and clean, smelt like roses and the couches looked real comfy! Is this guy rich?

"Where's your family?" I asked softly.

"Out of town for now, its just me and my sister, she's asleep right now tho." Craig started, "Feel free to make yourself at home tho or sleep until morning comes." As Craig finished, he walked upstairs but I followed him, I didn't want to be alone right now.

I feel a connection between me and Craig, a good one. Not just any old feeling I'd feel with Stan it's a more soft and kind hearted one. Maybe Craig likes me back...or maybe not. Its not like I'm picking the petals off of hydrangeas (The authors favourite flower) so no need to say things like that.

"I don't wanna be alone Craig, I want to be with you." I say out loud. Was I meant to say that out loud??? Shit fiddle sticks and to the power of 4...

"I wanna be with you too Kyle." Craig says sweetly and he looks at me with bright eyes. I flush another red shade and look away. He just chucked and hugged me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Wasn't meant to say that out loud."

"Mhm sure you weren't ky ky."

"By the way, was I your first kiss? You know at the party and what happened" Craig bought up.

I'm embarrassed to say. First he's so hot, next he's so sweet to me, the other is that he steals my first kiss! What's next? Bro takes my V card? Tho I'd be happy to say that I'm glad he was my first kiss. I need to ask Wendy for kissing tips ig since her and Stan kiss a lot....

I just nod my head slowly at Craig's question. He just pulls me onto his lap, my back facing him as he lands in a bean bag next to his bed.

"Good, cuz you were mine too." After hearing this information, I just smiled to myself excitedly and turned to face Craig. I rest my head on his chest as I feel him rub my head softly. Sometimes now, I wonder what we even are. Even after what we did doesn't that mean we're together? Or something...We could just be fuck buddies, Am I a whore or a bad person for doing such lewd things with the person my SBF hates???  he probably likes tweek...

Just as if Craig was reading my mind, he said, "Kyle I don't know what we are. So don't ask please, I just want to be with you." My heart literally fluttered hearing those words. Stupid dumbass, making me fall in love with him like that.

I'll start loving Melody's, so I can love you unconditionally Craig.

HUUUH??? TYSM GUYS ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡

GUYSSS HELLLOOOOO...IM SO SORRY ABOUT NOT POSTING A CHAPTER FOR 2 WEEKS 💀 I HOPE U CAN FORGIVE MEEE. But this is chapter: idk... but I hope u enjoyed! Love u alll ♡♡♡♡

 but I hope u enjoyed! Love u alll ♡♡♡♡

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More than a melody. Cryle story! (Craig x Kyle). SOUTH PARK.Where stories live. Discover now